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"How did I not know this park had trails."

"Have you ever been here before?" Andrew replies looking at the map

"well, no I haven't. Have you?"

"I have actually. My dad used to take me when I was little. We would ride our bikes on one of the trails, but that was a long time ago." I hum in response as I look past his shoulder to look at the map aswell 

"How do you feel about the Main loop?" suggests Andrew. 

"id rather do the Vista loop. it's a lot shorter."

 "It's only a mile, we can get it done before it gets dark." 

"But it says the Vista loop is easier," I beg. 

"The Main loop goes int a dried creek you could get some cool pictures there." He does have a good point. But I don't want to be out here when it gets dark... I do want new photos. Ugh, I can't say no to that face. 

"Okay fine we can take the main trail but we need to be quick." 

"don't worry." Andrew grabs my wrist and quickly walks to the entrance of the trail with me trudging behind him. This is definitely going to be an interesting walk.


We have been walking for - I dont even know how long - with the occasional stop here and there to take photos. But now the sun has begun to set. Nerves begin to creep in, and I want to get out of here as soon as possible. I haven't been on this trail before, and I don't know if there is going to be any more forks in the road.

 "Hey, Andrew how much farther do we have until we're done?" He chuckles

 "We still have half a mile to go." Andrew replies casually 

"wait please tell me your joking." I plead

 "Nope." Andrew makes a glance toward me "You okay?" 

"No, I am not okay. Can we please just hurry up so we can get out of here?"

 "Sam calm down the sun is only starting to set at most we will get out right before it gets really dark."

 "Andrew you are not helping." I start to quickly walk down the path with Andrew catching up behind me.

"Sam wait up!" Andrew runs up and turned back to face me stopping me in my tracks. With Andrew towering in front of me my anxiety doesn't bother calming down. "Sam, why are you freaking out?" I can tell he's confused about my antics. I can't tell him why I'm freaking out.

 It'll just hurt me later on, but what do I even tell him. He wants an answer, and there is no way I can weasel my way out of this. Shit, what do I do? What do I do!? 

"I JUST WANT TO LEAVE! Okay, can we please just go." The temperature has been dropping since we first got out here, but once the sun started to set the wind began to pick up as well. The icy air burns my eyes and I try to wipe away the tears threatening to form. 

"Hey, Sam it's ok. Oh no, please don't cry." Now Andrew is pleading with me to stop. I don't want to be crying either. Especially not in front of him. I'm just going to be ridiculed on Monday, cause he is probably going to be telling all of his friends. Oh God, they probably already know I'm his partner and they made him hang out with me in some kind of scheme to screw me over.

 Why did I even bother trying to trust him I knew all of his friends are pieces of shit why would he be any different. They're probably planning to continue what they did last year. I don't know why they stopped, maybe to lead me into a false sense of security. My spiraling thoughts were wiped clean with a wave of warmth and cologne just washing over me. The subtle touch of a headake starts to make an appearance from all of my crying. here I am just panicking in Andrew's embrace.

 "I'm sorry I dragged you out here. You didn't even want to go down this trail." with the soft circles Andrew rubs on my back I start to calm down. My breathing calms down compared to how I was hyperventilating before.

 " Were almost out I promise, the opening is just down the path." my breathing becomes less ragged and the headake has taken a strong grip and won't be letting go any time soon, "I'll drive you home and this can be the end of it. I'm sorry if I did anything wrong." I take a shaky breath as I stay wrapped in Andrews' arms. 

"It's not you. I just" I sigh "I just don't like being in places I'm not familiar with, especially in the dark. I don't like not knowing where I am." my voice barely a whisper, my words were muffled by the fake fur in Andrew's jacket.

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