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I wait as I watch Sam flush bright red, looking down biting his lip. A slight smile creeps into his lips. Our eyes meet and he gives me a nod. Sliding closer, I place my hand on the side on his cheek. Leaning in till our noses are touching. My breath hitches, unable to breathe I just go for it.

Placing a kiss on Sam's lips. My hand moves from his cheek to the back of his neck. Feeling his soft curls. Feeling his soft lips. Wow, I've never met someone as soft as Sam before. He leaves me speechless. We pull away and I let my eyes stay shut for a few more seconds. When I open them I'm met with Sam looking right back at me.

His face as dark as a cherry, biting the sides of his mouth. He looks back and forth before locking with my eyes once again. 

"Could...Could we, we do that again?" Sam whispers.

"Yes, we can." 

The bed creaks and the comforter shifts as I sit up to be leaning on my elbow. I reach out to pull Sam in again, but I freeze the moment I hear footsteps coming towards the room. My blood runs cold looking around facing the door as the steps get louder.

"Andrew?" Someone calls out my name from the hallway.

I turn to face Sam, his eyes grow as he watches the door. Both of us scrambling away from each other, or at least as far as we could get when the bedroom door swings open.

Daniel is standing in the hallway looking at the two of us sitting on the bed together. My breath shaky, my heart is racing, and my face is beat red.

"Hey dude, the boys were looking for you."

"Do I need to be there?" I say as I steal a glance at Sam.

"The boys are all in the kitchen, and it would be pretty cool if you joined us for once." 

I pause for a moment. I don't want to leave Sam, I can't even celebrate getting my first kiss without my "friends" ruining it. But they will know something's up if I don't.

"Alright, I'll join you." getting up with a sigh "I'll be back in a bit." I mouth to Sam before leaving the room with daniel.


Standing in the kitchen with a drink in my hand. I've been slowly sipping on it, and occasionally pouring some out when no one is looking. The guys not even bothering to include me in the conversation, but I'm okay with that.

My mind keeps wandering back to Sam. His soft yet pointed features his freckles like the stars on a cloudless night, and those eyes. Such a deep steel blue. I wonder if he would let me draw him some time. Just being around him makes me want to sit down and attempt to capture his image.

There isn't a point to me being here. All they are talking about is girls, even Jackson who has a girlfriend. They pulled me away from Sam for this. No one has even talked to me since I got here. How long have I been here? Pulling out my phone I realize its been twenty minutes. I can't stay with them anymore.

The moment I turn around Jackson calls out to me.

"where do you think you're going?"

"I have to be home before midnight. I have to go." I say my voice slowly turning cold.

"And you weren't going to say goodbye?" Jackson says in a mocking tone.

"I didn't want to interrupt," I state looking him dead in the eyes. "I'll see you guys later." And I finally escape. Now I need to find Sam again.


Thank you for reading I have lots planned so stay tuned!

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I'll see you in the next chapter.

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