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he is already looking through the glass door.


Just outside the door past the porch down the steps into my backyard, there are planter boxes all along the fence. A handful of tall trees with individual lanterns hanging from the branches. The grass is a healthy bright green and freshly mowed. Simple gravel pathways led from the stares to the flowers blooming the middle of the yard next to freshly planted seeds. 

"did you do this all by yourself?" I stand next to Andrew leaning past his shoulder looking into the yeard.

 "Yeah," I said pulling at the ends of my hoddie's sleeves.

 " dude this is awesome. Is it cool if I check it out."

 "what? oh, I, yeah it's fine." Andrew opens the door and walks out into the backyard. With me following closely behind. 

" How many kinds of flowers do you have?" 

" Not that many. It's mainly roses but I have a couple different kinds. It's starting to get colder so there probably going to freeze soon." Andrew walks up and looks at the blooms from a small patch.

 " What's this one called?" I crouch down next to him. 

"Pansy." Andrew points at another group 

"And that one?" 

" Snapdragons." Andrew smiles as he looks around at all the vibrant colors. 

" You really know your stuff." 

"Yeah sure, I guess you could say that," I say while standing up.

 For once I'm actually taller than Andrew. He's like a giant. I'm even the average hight for a guy but Andrew, he is just built for sports. Well, I guess he's not that much taller than me. With such broad shoulders and defined muscles. It's understandable that people throw themselves at him... Now that I'm thinking about it I don't think I've ever heard that he was or has dated anyone. I swallow my mouth still dry from my slight freak out earlier. Andrew is still looking at all the different flowers. 

He seems fine with it, I guess he isn't exactly like his friends. People can be different. But it is scientifically proven that you naturally change your personality to be similar to your five closest friends. He still seems so different than them. Well, I've never actually had a conversation with them but I've had plenty of encounters with his group. I don't know if I should really trust him, he is so easy going. Its hard to not keep mu guard up. But I still have to be careful. I can't forget he's associated with them. They are the reason I avoid his group like there the plague. They made last year a living hell. I guess I can't say all of them are the problem its just a small group. 

Andrew has gotten up and been looking around the garden for a while. We will probably head inside in a few minutes. My garden isn't too exciting for people. They normally take one look around just to be nice, then they call it a day and move on. But he is taking his time. Actually taking things in. That's what is so different about him. He really does care about others.

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