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"Alright everyone gather around." One of the chaperones calls out, trying to grab people's attention. "Its time for you all to get your rooms. There will be four to a room, and we tried our best to pair you with your friends. There will be no switching rooms either."

The lobby of the hotel rumbles with a murmur of excitement. People guessing who they got paired with. As teachers start calling out names the crowd of students dwindles. Once your group is together you leave to put your stuff in the room. For the most part, the pairing has gone fairly smoothly. No one has complained about there grouping -probably because everyone is so tired from the flight- 

"Sam, Andrew, Mark, and Stephen. You boys will be in room 324." The teacher hands me the key to the room. The four of us grab our bags and start making our way to the room.

"Hi, I'm Mark," he says when we get into the elevator. A crooked smile spread on his face as he runs his hand through his shaggy black hair. 

"I'm Stephen." The blond boy in glasses introduces himself.

"We've been friends for a while. What about you two?" Mark asks,

I look at sam through the corner of my eye. Should we say anything? 

"Yeah, I would say we've known each other for a while," Sam says

"We've known each other for about two years now, and we've gotten pretty close." I chime in earning a slight jab in the side from Sam.

"Okay cool, So for the whole sharing a bed situation It can be Stephen and I in one bed, and you two in the other," Mark mentions as we all make our way out into the hall looking at the room.

 The four of us finally make it to our room. Taking no time at all we drop our stuff in different corners and head back downstairs. The sooner we get there the sooner we can eat.


While everyone is waiting for the last groups to come back downstairs, I feel a tap on my shoulder. Turning around I'm face to face with Jackson.

"can I talk to you in private?" Jackson asks me quietly.

I follow him to the outskirts of the crowd, where fewer people will hear our conversation. Jackson faces me once again, just standing there looking at the ground.

"I'm really sorry, about everything that I've done to you and Sam.  I just got jealous. With him, you have been the happiest I've seen you in a long time." Jackson lets out a sigh "Me wanting to keep you around, just pushed you away even more. The two of you are cute together." Jackson gives me a pat on the shoulder before walking away.

"What did he want?" Sam walks over.

"He just wanted to apologize." before I could say more we were cut off by the teachers.

The rest of the students had returned, and it was time to get lunch. The crowd of students file out of the building, making their way onto the sidewalk. Heading a block down we stop at a pizza restraint that the teachers had called in multiple orders.

With the food picked up, we continue walking. Traveling a few more blocks we make it to central park. Food was handed out to everyone and was allowed to go off on our own to eat our lunch in the park.

"Andrew over here!" Basil calls out to me bringing my attention to where the group is sitting.


Thank you for reading.

For a long time, I've been debating if I wanted to have smut in this book/story thing. And I've decided on no. I probably should have mentioned this sooner, but I've just now made up my mind. It's something that I wouldn't be very comfortable with.

I hope I haven't disappointed anyone.

Vote and share if you enjoyed this.

I'll see you in the next chapter.

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