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Walking home from school pulling my sleeves farther down my arm. Feeling a  buzz in my pocket I pull out my phone.

A- "Hey, so there is a party this Friday. Would you want to come with me?"

S- "I don't know, parties arent my thing."

A- "Please. I know it a lot to ask, but I just need someone that I like to be there."

I knew that his friends partied, but I never expected them to force him. Looking up from my phone I see that I'm arriving at my house. Entering I give Granny a wave and head straight to my room.

S- " Would we have to stay for the whole time?"

A- "Oh no, I only have to make an appearance. Like twenty to thirty minutes top, I promise, and we can leave earlier if you want."

Well, I guess it would be cool to see what an actual party is like. Seeing as I've never been to one. It would be only for a little bit, and it's with Andrew so he wouldn't let anything bad happen.

S- "Alright. I'll go with you, but just for a little bit."

A- "Thank you so much!"

Throwing my phone onto my bed I take a look around the room. It's a complete mess. Hampers lying everywhere full of clean and dirty clothes. My desk covered in papers crowded by my plants. It might be a good idea to clean this up a bit. It's getting hard to walk around.


Things are going to get interesting.

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I'll see you in the next chappter.

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