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Adjusting the straps on my backpack higher on my shoulders. I make my way to the gate where our flight will be. Thankfully I was able to get through security relatively smoothly. But I really hope everyone else is already here. Being in an airport is stressful enough, I'd rather be in this situation with people I know. Arriving at the gate I scan the area for someone I feel comfortable waiting with.

"Sam! Over here." Basil calls out to me waving her arms in the air to get my attention.  

Giving the group a smile I head over to where they were sitting. They had saved me a seat. Dropping my stuff down on the floor in front of me, I collapse into the chair. Andrew -who's sitting next to me- drapes his arm over my shoulders.

"I got here so late, I thought I was going to miss it." I sigh leaning into Andrew.

"You still have plenty of time before the plane takes off."

"Yeah, check-in is still in a few minutes," Basil says checking her phone.

"well, that's a relief." I just sit there for a moment letting my heart rate decrease. The stress of being left behind finally starting to subside.


"This is gate 18, getting ready to depart. Group A please get in line to board." A flight attendant talks into the phone over the intercom.

everyone looks down at there boarding passes hoping they can get on soon.

"I'm in group A!" Basil shoots up heading to the line.

"Save us some seats!" Theo shouts at her, then turning back to us, "I'm in group B. What are you guys in?"

The two of us check.

"Group B" Simotaneusly Andrew and I answer.

"Awesome, We should try and get into the line as soon as possible. That way we can make sure to catch up with Basil." Theo discusses the game plan.

"Now boarding Group." announces the flight attendant.

The three of us jump from where we were seated, speedwalking to beat the rest of our peers to the line. We were able to make it relatively close to the front of the line. Everyone takes their turn to scan there pass and head down the ramp to the plain.


Thankfully our plan worked, and we all found a seat next to one another. Sadly Theo had to sit in the aisle next to us. I was in between Basil and Andrew. With Basil in the aisle seat so she could take to Theo still, and Andrew in the window seat next to me.

"Are you sure you don't want the aisle seat?" Basil asks Andrew,

"I'll be fine. I still want you to be able to talk to Theo." He gives her a smile before turning back to me, "You want to watch a movie? I downloaded a few."

"What are the options?"

"I've got Good Will Hunting, Pulp fiction, and a John Mulaney comedy special," Andre says scrolling through his Netflix account.

"oh, Is it his newest one?"

"Yeah, is that what you want to watch."

"Yes please."

Andrew sets up his phone on the tray table in front of me to prevent glare from the window. The two of us sharing a pair of headphones we begin our movie. 

Andrew leans close resting his head on my shoulder. Giving him a better view of the phone. My attention is dragged away from the movie by Basil.

"I know we aren't getting dinner, but will we get breakfast?" She asks me.

I take out my headphones.

"Well, it depends when we land. We might get breakfast. Our flight departed pretty late."

"Oh ok, thanks." She turns back to her conversation with Theo. And I put my headphone back in continuing to watch the movie.

By the time we finish the movie, the lights have been off for a while. My arm stiff from Andrew lying on my shoulder for so long. 

"Andrew?" I whisper, not hearing anything in response I can't help but smile. He fell asleep.

Reaching over I try my best to remove his headphone without disturbing him. From what I can tell it didn't bother him one bit. Staying as still as I possibly could I put his phone away. Before resting my head against his, and falling asleep.


Thank you for reading!

Sorry, this was posted at a ridiculous hour, usually, I'm good at keeping on track with having the chapter written before I need to post, but yesterday I had to take the TSI. So sadly I didn't have my precious writing time.

Please. vote and share if you liked it.

I'll see you in the next chapter.

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