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Looking around and waving to some people passing by I open up the back door of my car. Grabbing my backpack from the back seat I close my door and lock it as I walk towards the school.

following the Sea of people flooding through the doors, pulling at my phone and checking the location of the meet-up spot one last time I begin my search for Sam. Going downstairs, down hallways, turning left and right. Searching for the bright orange hair, but I'm stopped in my tracks. My name being called drag my attention am I old friends. The Baseball boys.

Walking over there Daniel waves and continues to call my name, even though he has my attention. The moment I get close enough to be in their circle Matthew pats me on the shoulder.

"How have you been man?" Mathew asks giving me a smile.

"We haven't seen you in forever. Did you get grounded? What did you do?" Daniel asks in his eyes bright and wild.

"You weren't at any of the summer practices," Jackson says, a scowl on his face. Mathew gives him a look.

"That's not that big of a deal, people skip practice."

"But he wasn't at practice this morning either." Jackson snaps back at Mathew.

"Calm down, I bet it was just a mistake," Daniel says grabbing both of the boy's shoulders.

I take a step back letting the boys bicker between themselves, before taking a deep breath and looking Jackson dead in the eyes.

"No, it wasn't a mistake. I quit baseball." I state crossing my arms. Jackson's eyes widen.

"Really! That's wicked," Daniel gives me a high five. "Are you doing anything instead?"

"Yeah, I'm getting into art."

"Oh really, that's pretty cool," Mathew says

"No its not, when have you ever been into art?" Jackson says taking a step closer.

"This entire time," I say rolling my eyes. "Well I have to go, I have people I'm meeting up with," I state before I turn on my heal and walk the other way. I hear Jackson complaining to the guys as I get farther and farther away.


Backtracking down a few hallways I finally find the group. The three of them sitting on a circle of couches. Making my way over to them they don't notice me quite yet. Trying to stay unnoticed I sneak my way around behind the couches. Getting closer and closer to the group I finally pounce. Grabbing Sam's shoulders he jumps in surprise. Whipping his head around his mouth agape.

"Andrew!" Sam yelps giving me a light smack on the arm "Don't sneak up on me like that." Sam's scowl turns into a slight smile as he scoots over on the couch making room for me. As I slide into the circle Basil stares at me, leaning on the edge of her seat.

"What classes do you have?" Basil asks, her gaze is powerful. She refuses to shake her gaze until she gets an answer. Reaching into my pocket I pull out a folded piece of paper handing it to her. She takes a moment reading it over and over. Holding her arm out extended at us boys Theo and Sam hand her their own class schedules.

With the three of us sitting quietly watching her as she looks between the fore papers. Hoping to God that we get a class with each other. She lets out a sigh before handing our papers back.

"I have good news, and I have bad news," Basil pauses for a second letting the tension build. "We don't have a class with the four of us all together, but we do all have at least one class with each person individually."

The three of us boys give a collective sigh of relief. We at least have that. Actually I think that will be nice. It will give me the opportunity to get to know Basil and Theo better if we are in one-on-one settings. Well, it's not like I don't know them well, but I can still get closer to them.

With the schedule checking out of the way, the four of us send the rest of the time before the bell rings catching up on what we did during summer. Basil did eventually find a dress and her brother's engagement party was quite the event, she even likes her soon to be sister-in-law.

Theo spent his summer working, he's saving up to buy himself a new camera. When he wasn't working he was going on the hiking trails near his neighborhood, taking pictures of the different kinds of birds he spotted.

Sam and I mainly spent the summer together. We got together so late into the school year we wanted to spend as much time together as we could. Lots of days were spent out in his garden. The summer sun beating down on him brought out his freckles even more. Them deepening in color, they are one of the many unique features about Sam.

The bell rings pulling us out of our own little bubble. It's time for us all to part ways till lunch, I'm afraid the time won't move fast enough for us to be reunited again. Basil and Theo leave first heading to the north stairwell. Their next classes on the third floor. Sam stays with me for just a few moments longer.

Taking his hand I give Sam a quick smooch on his forehead before we split paths as well. I watch as he turns and walks down the hallway. His green backpack that he covered in pins bounces ever so slightly as he walks away. Waiting till he leaves my sight, that is when I look down at my schedule. First up, PreCal. What a "wonderful" way to start the day.


Thank you for reading! Sorry, I missed a few updates things popped up but they are settled, and I'm back on it! Also my friend drew the boys! If you want to follow her instagram its @fuyurat

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I'll see you in the next chapter.

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