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"What do you mean you want to quit?" He finishes up the burgers and turns off the stove before turning to face me.

"I don't enjoy it anymore, and all the people on the team are assholes."

"Watch your language, your sister could hear." Sighing for a second he crosses his arms. "How long has this been going on?"

"The last two seasons."

"Do you have something else you want to do?" He walks over sitting down at the table with me. "Because that's what I care about." Meeting him in the eyes my nerves begin to calm.

"I want to go into art. Like covers of books or the illustrations in children's books." He takes a second scratching his chin. A smile spreading over his face.

"If that's what you want to do. It seems like you know what you want, now go and do it." He stands up patting my shoulder, going back to making dinner. Leaving me sitting there the realization of what I just did settling.

Going into my room once the door closes behind me, a smile explodes on my face. Jumping around my room celebrating finally taking what I want. No more am I going to just listen to what people tell me. Taking a look around my room; The medals and trophies I've collected look different now. They are no longer a shadow of the disappointment of how I should be feeling. Instead, they only hold memories of the good times I had while playing.

Rummaging through my closet I pull out the box holding all of my old stuffed animals. Each one fur matted and dull from years of love. The stuffing might be unevenly dispersed but they are still in one piece.

Moving around the room I pick up Metals and a trophy here and there placing them into the box. Only leaving a small handful left to remind me of my accomplishments. My room doesn't feel as cluttered I now have room on my walls to hang new things. I can show off my other accomplishments besides baseball.

Pulling out my phone I take a picture of my now empty wall. Sending it to Sam.

A- "I finally did it! No more baseball."


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I hope everyone is surviving self-quarantine. Stay inside and stay safe.

See you in the next chapter!

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