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Basil and I continue walking side by side for most of the way home.

"Okay really though, what's going on with you and Andrew?" basil asks me her goofy demeanor practically gone. I would really rather not talk about it, but that doesn't stop her. "Come on Sammy you never talk to me about this stuff. Please, just this once. I need all of the juicy details." she throws her hands in the air to add emphasis to her fake distress. I can't help but crack a smile.

"There really isn't anything to tell you about. Nothing has happened." we take a left.

"Do you think something might happen? Does he like you?"

"I don't know. I really, don't. Know."

"what do you mean you don't know! Have you seen the way he looks at you? In chemistry, he looks at you from across the room like a lost puppy. He immediately lights up when you talk to him. It's really cute." I begin to pull at the sleeves on my hoodie. She hooks her arm through mine. "You are lying when you say NOTHING has happened."

"Uhh, Well. MABEY something has happened." Her face lights up.

"Ah! Yes, I knew it."

"We did work on the project Sunday and afterward we went to the Park by my house. You know the really pretty one." She looks confused.

"With the trails?" She askes.

"Yeah." Basil's face lights up.

"please tell me you two flirted or at least some hand-holding!" we've stopped walking. At this point, just standing on the sidewalk at the intersection. Dragging on the conversation before we have to part ways.

"No, nothing like that happened. We just talked" She gives me a knowing look. "We just talked!" She bursts out laughing.

"Sammy you have got to be kidding me. Did you plan to hang out again?"

"I, I mean yeah. He askes if we wanted to get together sometime, but just as friends." I pull at the sleeves of my hoddie my ears burning.

"Yeah, whatever you say, Sammy boi." Basil waves me goodbye and starts heading towards her house. Quickly waving back I begin to walk in the opposite direction. Toward home "sweet home". Walking in silence for a few minutes only the sound of my shoes crunching with the old asphalt underneath them. Is there any actual possibility that Andrew could like me? No, no that can't be. Why would he even want to-- he barely knows me-- I'm not even that interesting.

Basil can't be right. She is probably jumping to conclusions again. She is always expecting the best possible outcome, no matter what comes of it. Whether she is going to be disappointed or not. I don't know how she can be so optimistic, but she is quite nice to be around. Always lifting the mood. It's crazy that I've known her for so long. We practically grew up together.

During middle school is when Theo joined our very small friend group. Those were some good times. The countless adventures to the neighborhood park, or the swimming pool. And the hours we spent lying in my garden. Back then it wasn't as pretty as it is now, you could barely call it a garden. I could only use the extra seeds Granny didn't want. It was basically just a stray flower here and there. But I did it all by myself, and I was so proud of that. It takes a lot of time and effort to take care of flowers. It was a nice distraction. Especially back then when I really needed it.


AAaaahh!! yesterday was my birthday. I'm finally 16! Whoop Whoop.

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