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I'm sitting there looking at the keys dangle. Then to Andrew and his excited eyes. lastly, I look towards the clock. 

"Alright, let's go." 

"Yes!" Andrew throws his hands up in the air

"But we have to be back before it gets dark." Andrew whips around at the clock and he counts on his fingers for a second before turning back to me.

"Then we better get going." he immediately gets up putting out drinks into the sink

"Woah ok, one second." I head to my room and grab my camera. As I walk back I lean into the living room where Granny is watching tv 

"Hey we're going to the park for a bit, I'll be back soon."

"Alrighty darling, be safe." She says with a smile. I turn back to Andrew who is impatiently waiting at the door. 


Getting into the passenger seat of Andrew's car I look around. It's clean with the occasional receipt or coin on the floor. Hanging on his mirror a beaded string with tassels hanging from the middle. Reaching my hand out I brush the tassels It begins to sway lightly from my touch.

"What is this?" Andrew turns to see what I'm talking about. He chuckles a bit and turns back to focus on driving.

"Its one of those strings for curtains. When I was little I accidentally took it from a store."

"Why would you want to steal that" I laugh as I watch it sway with the movement of the car.

"I didn't mean to steal it! I forgot I had it." Andrew's cheeks blush with a rosy pink 

"Whatever you say." I watch his reaction as I tease him more. The color in his cheeks darkens as he shakes his head. Keeping his eyes forward he keeps an eye out for the park.

It's quiet in the car once again, and I begin fidgeting slightly. I don't know what to do with my hands. I keep messing with the camera in my lap "what's practice like?" I say struggling to make at least some conversation. 

 "We just do exercises to get stronger." I pause for a second 

"You don't sound that excited about it." Andrew laughs at my question 

"Well, you would be right about that. Over the years of playing the same sport. I've gotten a bit tired with it." he thinks for a second "Sometimes I just want to quit, but my life is so revolved around it." silence falls again. 

"What would happen if you quit?" he sighs 

"I wouldn't get a scholarship, which would be the only way I could get into a school I want. But I would also get dropped by the team."

 "Wait what?" I turn to look at him his face serious and his eyes are dull.

"If I quit the coach wouldn't allow the team to still be around me. I've seen it before. Its to make sure we surround ourselves with"the right people" but it's just wrong." dear God how do I respond to something like that? 

"If it's not enjoyable anymore then stop. You shouldn't be forced to do something you don't want to, but if you do stay on the team maybe you could use the scholarship to go to study art." Andrew chuckles he seems a lot more relaxed 

"I'll try to remember that." I turn and look out the window. And see the entrance sign to the park. The drive went by much faster than I expected.

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