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I'm winding through a culdesac after dropping off Sam after our little adventure. Or just a hangout? I'm not too sure what to call it. Wait, I think I was supposed to make a turn there. This neighborhood is built like a maze. He lives decently far from my house, a good 10-minute drive. Yeah, I'll need to wind back around. Sam seemed really stressed out, I should probably tone it down. I don't want to make him uncomfortable. 

He's just always so grumpy all the time. It was nice seeing him let loose for a while. Being more relaxed. Even if I did take him out of his element, and forced him to do something he wasn't comfortable doing... Causing him to have a panic attack. He probably thinks I'm a huge asshole; why did I have to jump at the idea of going on a walk together! It was horrible timing we were out there pretty late, and it was way too cold to be out there. Sam was practically shaking the whole time. I should have offered my gloves.

I really need to think things through before I do them. When I arrived at his house to work on the project he must have just woken up. His hair and hoodie were all disheveled, and his hoodie was ever so slightly unzipped where you could see his collarbones, he was definitely not wearing a shirt underneath... Wait... Oh, I know where I am! He gets so easily flustered its so cute; he does have a good bit of muscle on him. Which you wouldn't expect, but knowing that he gardens makes sense.

There is just so much I want to find out about him. He really is so interesting. And the fact that he likes gardening is adorable, his garden was so cool! I could be back there just drawing for hours, letting the time fly. It's so relaxing being with him, Sam has such a calm demeanor, well not in class he always seems on edge in school.

I've noticed how he walks in the halls, If looks could kill the whole school would be dead by now. He seems so aggressive like he's preparing for the worst. It's not like someone is going to just randomly attack him. I think my friends have mentioned him before. Sometime last year. I forgot what they were talking about... Something about gym class. I really should pay more attention when I'm around them.

I finally pull into my driveway. Grabbing my sports bag from the back seat I head inside. through the window I see my sister sitting in front of the fireplace. I get a better look at what she's doing once I'm inside. 

"Lizzie what are ya doing!" I ask her with enthusiasm. She looks up from her sketchbook. 

"I'm drawing." placing my bag down I walk over to where she's sitting.

" What are you drawing?" She shows me what she has been working on.


"WOW, you really drew that? It's so good!" she smiles 


"Have you had anything to eat yet?" Lizzie thinks for a second. 

"No dad left not to long ago to get something." she leans closer "I'm hoping he's getting pizza again." She Exclaims. I glance at the clock Its already 7, if he isn't back by 7:30 I'll make her something. She has school tomorrow I'll need to remember to get her to bed at a decent time. I can't believe she is already 10. what grade is she even in? 4th? No, shes in 5th grade... time really does fly.

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