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"Now don't go crazy with the snacks, we could only need to get one or two items each," Theo announces as we enter the small shop. Taking a moment the four of us drop our backpacks to the floor before breaking up and moving around the isles.

"Do you know what you want?" Andrew asks me as we walk down the candy aisle.

"Yeah, I always get the Sweetropes, But ill also get some chips for us all to share." I find the sour candy and pick up a package. 

"Do you guys have movie nights often?"

"We try and do it as often as we can," I answer Andrew's question as we continue to move around the store. I do down the snack aisle and begin looking around. "But this is the first one since senior year started."

"Well, it sounds like it's going to be fun," Andrew states as he looks around. "Should I just get plain chips?"

I turn around to see what brand he's looking at. "Yeah, we usually get those." Andrew nodes in response and grabs one off the shelf.

"Did you guys get everything you want?" Theo asks walking us with drinks in his arms.

"Yeah, I think we're just waiting on Basil to finish choosing," I answer. We all begin to make out way over to the isle basil is in. Shes crouched down debating which candy to get.

"It's crazy that this is our last year in high school." Theo turns to us, grasping for some small talk.

"I know right, do you know what you want to do?" Andrew chimes in

"I've got an idea, I'm going to talk to my counselor soon."

"Oh, that's a good idea," Andrew states partially to himself.

"Why do we have to talk about that?" Basil wines grabbing both bags and standing up to face us.

"Basil, do you even know what you're doing?" Theo questions.

"Yeah, Astrology." Basil walks up joining our little circle. "But id rather talk about our senior trip."

"Oh yeah, where are we going again?"Andrew jumps in.

"New York! How could you forget?" Basil practically shouts.

"what are we going to be doing there?" Theo asks

"Probably just the usual touristy stuff. Visit art museums, see a play, hang out in the park."Basil lists them out on her fingers before walking past us to the counter.

Our conversation dies down as we wait to check out. Taking turns we eventually grab out backpacks and make our way out of the store. Theo gives Andrew his address once again before we split up into two separate cars. It doesn't take long for us to arrive at Theo's house - as it was just around the corner- The minute we get through the front door we pile our goodies on the kitchen counter.

All of us working we poor the chips into two bowls so we can share. Once the snacks have been taken care of we make our way over to the living room. The four of us piling onto Theo's couch. 

"What should we watch?" Theo asks as he grabs the remote.

Everyone thinks for a moment as we wait for Andrew to pull up Netflix.

"We should watch a horror movie!" Basil suggests,

"But we did that last time, I think we should watch a comedy," I interject

"What about an action movie?" Andrew chimes in

For a few moments, the four of us debate on what we should watch. Out of nowhere, Theo grabs the remote.

"I know what we are going to watch, " Theo says Pointing the remote at the tv "From Dusk Till Dawn. Trust me you are going to like it." 


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