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After the bell rang students being flooding out of the classrooms. Everyone focused on one thing, getting home. But, I'm meeting up with the group and we're all going to hang out. 

Turning down the hallway I make my way to the main entrance of the school. The open space slowly clearing out as students rush out the door. Before I even know what's happening someone yanks at my backpack, making me stumble backward. Getting pulled out of the traffic of people. The moment I regain balance I realize I'm face to face with a very angry looking Jackson.

"You know what you did." His voice dripping with Venom as he speaks to me in a hushed tone "What happened to keeping him in baseball huh? He quit. You made him quit!" as his voice grows he attracts the attention of the occasional person walking by. 

"I didn't do anything."I meet his gaze before looking away again "It was his decision, I have no control over that." 

"Bull shit. The minute you too met Andrew changed. Now he's talking about art and hanging out with other people. You changed him."  

I roll my eyes at his comment, he doesn't know what he's talking about. As I try and turn to leave Jackson grabs hold of the collar of my shirt. Forcing me to stay in place.

"Do you realize Andrew and I have been playing baseball together since we were little. You are destroying a ten-year-long friendship. How could you do such a thing? Meddling where you don't belong." Jackson's words feel like a slap in the face. Nothing but rage in his voice. I can almost pity him.  Before I'm even able to open my mouth to respond Andrew's voice is booming in the hallway.

"What the HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!" Andrew slams the door closed behind him as he makes his way over to us. Jackson immediately letting go of my shirt pushing me back a little. 

"Chill out we were just talking."  Jackson raises his hands in front of Andrew. A cool and collected expression masking his anger.

"That is my BOYFRIEND you were "just chatting" with!"  Andrew gives Jackson a light shove "You are always trying to control what I do. I'm done with it!" he shouts. 

"Wh, NO. That's not true." Jackson takes a step back his eyes wide. "We've been friends since we were little,"

"No, we weren't" Andrew cuts Jackson off. The anger in his voice could off as he talks. "We only hung out because of baseball, but even then. You were just a dick." Andrew walks over to me grabbing my hand. " I would appreciate it if you would leave Sam out of our issues." Andrew gives one last look to Jackson before giving my hand a sight squeeze. The two of us turning and walking out of the building.  Leaving Jackson standing there alone, we head out to the parking lot.

"He didn't do anything too you right?" Andrew asks looking down at me, his eyes big and apologetic. 

"Besides my sweater getting stretched nothing happened. He's just upset that you two aren't close anymore."

"I know," Andrew sighed running his hand through his hair. "I miss it too sometimes, but I'm happier without him. And I guess he just needs to accept that." Andrew looks down at me once again, a slight smile dances on his lips. As we approach where Andrew's car is parked. Basil and Theo are waiting for us. 

"Is everything alright?"Theo asks standing up from where he was sitting.

"What took you so long?" Basil chimes in running up to us.

"Oh, It was nothing. I just ran into Jackson" I answer scratching the back of my neck.


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