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"Sam!" I try and yell over the crowd, hoping to get Sam's attention but he won't turn around. Rushing through the crowd trying to catch up with him.

"Sam." Breaking through the crowd and entering the empty hallway I can finally reach him.

"Sam?" I say grabbing his hand stopping him from walking away any farther. He stayed facing away from me, only turning his head slightly to look at me out of the corner of his eyes.

"Who was she?"

"Huh? Oh, I think her name is Venessa."Taking a deep breath I scratch the back of my neck "Daniel is always trying to hook me up with random girls at parties, but it shouldn't matter."

"How does it not matter?" 

I pause for a second unsure of what to do. But I know what I need to.

"Well, You see. I don't." Taking a breath running my hand through my hair. "I don't like girls." Sam turns to face me more. His head dropping, and his weight shifting from side to side.

"Sorry, I didn't know." Sam lifts his head meeting my eyes sheepishly "I guess that explains why you haven't dated anyone at this school." His statement brings a chuckle to my lips. Sam's grip on my hand tightens.

"It's alright. No one knows that's why I have to make these appearances. Pretending to like girls is harder than it looks." I watch as a smile grows on Sam's face. Silence falls again as I feel a buzz in my pocket. Pulling out my phone I turn off my timer.

"Its been an hour. Do you want to go home?" 

"I think I want to stay a bit longer."

Footsteps come barreling down the hallway. I pull Sam further down the hall away from the guy stumbling for the bathroom. Knowing exactly what's to come I pull Sam even farther. Hoping to get out of earshot.

"Where are we going?"

"I don't know, hopefully far enough so we cant hear that guy who is about to get sick."

"Are there more rooms back here."

"I'm pretty sure. I've only been to Daniel's house a few times." Turing a corner I see one last door at the end of the hallway. Opening the door I look around realizing were in the master bedroom. The room clean and put together. 

The moment the door is closed the sound from the living room gets drowned out. Left to be a quiet hum. Sam walks over and sits on the bed, finishing his before lying down on his back.

"This is a nice room," I say as I lye down next to Sam.

"A comfy bed too," Sam says turning on his side to face me. Our conversation Is a bit dry at first but as time passes we get in a groove. With one of us making the other laugh. The vibe of the room getting calm and lighthearted. The only thing on our mind is each other.

The warm light complements Sam's skin and hair. Making his orange curls stand out. With him lying on his side his hair flops out of the way exposing his forehead. The amount of freckles he has is astonishing. He's like the night sky, sprinkled with stars. 

The conversation slows, eventually stopping. Sam and I left staring into each other's eyes. 

"Can I kiss you?"

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