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I stop pouring till half of my beer is down the drain. That's good enough. I can drink the rest and just pretend to be hammered. My "friends" won't notice. They are probably too drunk to even care at this point. Thank goodness I got here later.

"Just be careful with how much you have. I didn't my first time, and it was awful."

"What happened?" I turn and watch Sam bring the cup to his mouth, stopping for a second scrunching his eyebrows together before taking a sip.

"well, I made an absolute fool out of myself. Drinking everything people handed me," I lean against the counter." Mixing alcohol is not a good idea." 

I walk towards sam looking out of the doorway. Once seeing that its clear I take Sam by the hand and exiting the bathroom. The light gets darker and darker soon getting replaced by colors. As we walk to the kitchen I move my arm around Sam bringing him closer as to not get run into by some girl.

"Alright, this will be quick. You don't even have to stand with me as I talk with my friends for a bit." turning around to look at Sam. His har a dark from the purple light, turning his curls into a shade of brown. This moment could be a pretty portrait. The second out eyes lock I turn my attention back to the kitchen heat rising to my cheeks. 

We reach the doorway of the kitchen I drop my arm from Sam's shoulders. Taking a deep breath I turn to look at Sam one last time.

"You don't even have to be in the kitchen,"

"Andrew, I'll be right here and nothing is going to happen." He gives me a knowing look, and I give him a nod in response. I guess I can't push this off much longer, relaxing my shoulders I take a sip from my drink.

"I'll be right back." And I walk into the kitchen. Trash getting kicked out of my path by my drawn-out steps. Letting my smile grow as I get closer to Daniel.

"Andrew!" he grabs my shoulder leaning in close, the alcohol on his breath berry apparent. "Venessa is here. Want me to call her over." Daniel wiggles his eyebrows at me, and I look from him to Jackson across from us.

"Daniel, why don't you call her over," Jackson states looking me dead in the eyes. His expression grows more and more amused when he looks past my shoulder.

"Hey, Venessa!"Daniel practically shouts into my ear. Looking in that direction I see her, blond hair in a tight high ponytail, Low tank top, and dark blue skinny jeans. She sways her hips as she walks over to me. I try and look her in the eyes, but all I can focus on are her poorly done eyebrows.

"Hey," She pauses looking me up and down causing my muscles to go stiff. She takes a step closer tracing her hand up and down my arm. " Did you just get here, I haven't seen you around." her voice low and smooth. I can't help but slightly lean away. Looking anywhere but at her, I watch as Sam turns the corner out of the kitchen. 

"Do you want to dance or something?" Venesa gets closer and closer practically pressing herself up against me.

"No, sorry," I say looking dead un her eyes. Her flirtatious look changed to shock and she takes a step back. I use this opportunity to getaway. Walking as quickly as I could dumping my drink into the sink as I leave.

"Andrew where are you going?" Jackson yells with the amusement in his voice clear as day. Not even turning around I raise my arm and flip him off as I round the corner.

Searching the crowd of people, I look for Sam's soft curls. Pushing through people looking around frantically, I spot him. Turning down the hall to the bathroom. I don't even care about the sorry's and excuse me's anymore. I just need to get to him.


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