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Spitting into the sink I let the water wash the toothpaste away. Hearing a knock from the bathroom door I turn to see Andrew peeking his head in.

"Mind if I join you?" he says closing the door behind him.

A smile spreads on my face as Andrew moves closer to me. Looking at him through the mirror he wraps his arms around my waist hurrying his head in the crook of my neck. 

"Did you lock the door?" I whisper.

"Those guys aren't even awake yet, don't you worry." Andrew peppers my neck with kisses earning a chuckle from me.

"How are they not awake, we have thirty minutes till we leave."

"And they weren't the ones up all night," Andrew mumbles into my ear 

"Oh stop it." I laugh

Turning around I look up at Andrew, Giving him a soft smile. Rising onto my tippy toes I give him a quick kiss.

"We should probably wake them up or they are going to miss breakfast."

"I guess your right," Andrew pouts.

After being released from Andrew's bear hug, we go back into the bedroom. 

"Hey, guys wake up," Andrew says turning the lights on.

Mark and Stephen open their eyes unaware of what's going on.

"Breakfast is about to start. So I would hurry down." I tell them before Andrew and I leave the room.

Andrew lets go of my hand when a group of people gets into the elevator with us. Everyone heading down to the lobby for breakfast. I hope we aren't late.

The minute the elevator doors open Andrew and I speedwalk over to the dining hall. Where buffet tables are set up. The line slowly getting longer, we race to get in as soon as possible. Making it in line while the good food is still there we fill our plates. With many options to choose from there's plenty of food to go around, but the good stuff goes quickly.

Walking into the seating area we found where Basil and Theo are seated. 

"How are your roommates?" Andrew asks as we sit down.

"They spent the entire night talking." Basil puts her head on the table. 

"That happened to me too." Theo pushes the eggs on his plate around.

The four of us sit around and enjoy our breakfast along with the rest of our class. Enjoying or breakfast before we start the day of sightseeing. With a bus tour planned for us to stop by multiple museums and landmarks. The whole trip is jam-packed with things to do. Coming out here was totally worth it. It might be stressful, but it's exhilarating. 


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