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Closing the dryer and hauling my freshly cleaned clothes to my room. I've finally started to make an effort to clean my room. All the clothes and trash that covered my floor are now in its rightful place. 

As I was hanging my clothes in my closet I hear my phone go off on my nightstand. 

A- "Hey, I'm babysitting Lizzie today. You wanna meet her?"

S- " I would love to. I can head over now."

Dropping everything I head to the garage. My laundry can wait. Pulling through all the junk I unburied my bike. Rolling it onto the sidewalk I check my phone one lase time, before riding to Andrews's house.


Walking my bike up the driveway Andrew opens the front door and calls me into the house. Leaning my bike up against the wall of the entryway. The moment my hands are free Lizzie immediately starts dragging me into the living room.

"Sammy! Sammy! Draw with us!" Tugging my arm until we reach where the sketchbooks and colors are on the floor. 

"Uh," I look over at Andrew searching for what I'm supposed to say. He gives me an encouraging smile with a thumbs up. "Sure, what are we drawing?" She looks through her sketchbook, turning it to me whenever she has a drawing she is proud of. Lots of horses, but they are pretty good for her age. 

"I'm drawing horses, but Andrew is drawing people. He even drew you!" Turning and pointing at Andrew, making his eyes go wide "Show Sammy, it's so good!" Laughing to himself a bit he grabs his sketchbook and flips through a few pages.

 He pauses for a second looking it over, biting his lip he slowly turns the sketchbook to show me. Wow, That looks like me, but slightly off as well. "I know it doesn't look like you exactly, I didn't have a picture to go off of."

"This is still crazy good," I tell Andrew, and he sits up more and his smile grows. 

Looking back at the drawing It's well done. And the fact that he didn't have a picture Is even more impressive. How can he even remember my face so well? I don't know, but this is still pretty cool. 

Lizzy tosses me a sketchbook and a few crayons. Turning it too a clean page I look at what Lizzie and Andrew are drawing. Andrew is just sketching people, and Lizzie is once again drawing horses. 

"What should I draw?"

"Oh! You have a garden right. Draw your flowers!"

"How did you know I have a garden?" 

"Andrew talks about you all the time!" Lizzie whispers in my ear "I think he likes you." Sitting back where she was, she gives me a toothy grin.

Andrew even without hearing what she said has dug his head into his sketchbook. His entire face turning red.

"I'm going to get water. Anyone else want some?" Andrew says abruptly standing up and speed walking to the kitchen.

grabbing a green crayon I start drawing. Lizzie doesn't stop smiling at me, she looks back and forth from the kitchen to me.

"Do you like anyone?" My eyes grow wide and my ears get warm from her comment

"Yes, I do." 

"Are you dating them?"Lizzie asks as she leans in listening intently at what I have to say. Her question takes me aback.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" her eyes wide she practically shouts. Andrew rounds the corner holding a glass of water.

"We haven't talked yet." I watch as Andrew sits down keeping his eyes on the ground. 

"Why do you have to talk? If you both like each other you should date."


Thank you so much for reading.

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I hope y'all stay safe. Wash your hands!

See you in the next chapter.

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