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It's a hot day with a cooling breeze. I'm digging in the dirt pulling out weeds and planting a few new summer plants. As I'm busy working in my garden Andrew is sitting on the bench in the shade. Looking back at him now and again his attention stays fixed on his sketchbook. Switching between different pencils and erasers as he draws.

When he finally looks up we make eye-contact with each other, his brilliant blue eyes are absolutely beautiful. Shining whenever he smiles at me. Placing his sketchbook down next to him I watch as he scans over the changes I've made to the garden.

"It's looking nice. Will those create flowers?" Andrew asks pointing at the new plants.

"Yeah, I got them from a nursery not too long ago so it shouldn't be too long till they do," I reply looking down at the plants next to me. Lifting my hat I wipe the sweat from my forehead before standing and sitting next to Andrew on the bench. "So, I've been thinking."

"That's not good," Andrew says with a chuckle as he moves his stuff down next to him before leaning down picking up my water glass and handing it to me.

"Well," I say with a smile from Andrew's comment "I was wondering what we are. Cause we've been on a few dates,"

"I've been thinking about the same thing." Andrew pauses for a second resting his arms on the back of the bench then turning to look me in the eyes, "Can I please call you my boyfriend, I don't know if you know this, but I like you a lot."

I can't help but crack a smile turning my head forward, I scrunch my face together as I pretend to be deep in thought scratching an invisible beard on my chin.

"Yes, I would be more than happy if you called me that."

The moment Andrew heard those words leave my mouth he placed his hand on the side of my face while leaning in for a kiss. Our lips stayed intertwined for a few seconds before leaning away from each other. Smiles dancing on both of our faces. Summer couldn't come soon enough.


Sorry, this chapter was a bit late, things might be a bit off as school picks back up for me.

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see you in the next chapter.

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