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I'm washing the dishes as Andrew puts away the leftover sandwiches. Still not much has been said since we started eating, but I just don't know what to say. Ugh being around him is always so hard. I never know what to say or do.

"So, what do you like to do for fun?" Andrew says as he leans against the counter next to me. Watching me."

"Um, I don't know." 

"What do you mean you don't know. Everyone has something they enjoy." he turns his head in confusion trying to make eye contact.

"I mean, Um" I look the other direction as I dry off my hands "I mean I don't really have time for hobbies."

"Really? wow, even with I still have time so do my own thing." he crosses his arms and looks at me "You must be really busy." I feel my ears begin to burn once again. He just doesn't want me to drop it. 

"Well, what do you do then?" I say finally meeting eye contact. Our height difference is much more apparent when he's so close. I watch his smile grow showing off his white teeth.

"well, I like to draw."His chest puffs up and he grows a bit taller, a proud expression on his face.

"What about baseball?" I scrunch my eyebrows as I look at him. His smile falters and he shrinks down again.

"Well, that's not exactly a hobby." Andrew looks across the room "It's more something my dad wants me to do." Sitting there for a moment he thinks to himself before he turns to me again the smile back on his face "At least I will be able to get a scholarship with it." I nod in agreement looking away again. Should I really tell him?

" Gardening." 


"I really enjoy gardening." I turn back to look at him again his eyes are filled with excitement as his smile grows and grows. I can barely hold eye contact My ears begin to burn again and I scratch the back of my head...yep this is exactly the reaction I was expecting. Why hasn't he made fun of me yet? All his friends did when they found out. Tormented only because I grow flowers. I probably shouldn't have said anything. Why did I even say that? It's so stupid how I thought saying that I liked gardening would help my case.

"Do you have a garden?"

"Yeah it's in the backyard, I used to do it with granny but now she's too old too. Where are you going." Andrew has turned to walk down the hall midway through my sentence. 

"I want to see it!"

 "wait! no." I grab his wrist but that's not going to do anything, he is already looking through the glass door. 

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