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Cracking eggs into a pan, and using a spatula to mix them around. Lizzy runs into the kitchen taking her spot on the table. A plate and a bottle of ketchup waiting in front of her.

Finishing up the scrambled eggs. I empty the pan onto her plate. letting her begin to scarf down her food.

"How is it?"

"it's really good!" Lizzy replies with her mouth full of scrambled eggs. 

As I'm taking the pan to the sink, beginning to clean it. My mother walks into the kitchen on her way out for work. 

"Hey hun, I'll need you to look after Lizzie as your father and I are gone. You know the drill, make sure she eats her vegetables and is in bed by nine." She places her bags on the kitchen table, rummaging through her purse for a moment before pulling out her keys. "Also make sure to check the mail at some point." pulling her bags back onto her shoulder she makes her way around the room giving the Lizzie a kiss on the cheek and I a side hug. 

"I will." 

"I'll be home soon," She says before leaving for the rest of the day.

Most likely I won't be seeing her until after dinner time, as her commute too and from work takes her forever. 

"Can I help you get the mail?" Lizzie asks as she puts her plate into the sink.

"Sure," I say giving her a smile. 

Turning off the water, I dry my hands off on my pants. The two of us slipping on shoes and making it outside to the edge of the yard. Lizzie opened up the mailbox pulling out the stack of mail.

"Some of these are for you!" Lizzie calls out to me excitedly after looking through the mail on the way back to the house. 

Sitting back at the kitchen table, Lizzie hands me the letters addressed to me. Holly shit, these are college letters. Shuffling through them I look for my number one choice. University of Michigan, there it is. 

Dropping the others I begin to tear open the letter. Scanning the contents of the letter. Searching for my answer.

"Yes!" I shout, jumping from my chair. "I got in, I can't believe I got in."


Thank you for reading 

Sorry about the lack of update last week, I went on a little mini-vacation with my family for the weekend. So I figured I would take some time to relax.

Vote and share if you would like.

I'll see you in the next update. 

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