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"And lastly I have lemonade," I say pulling out the last of the items from the basket. Everything on display in front of us. We take a moment before choosing different foods slowly pricing together with a meal. Our bodies dry over time sitting in the sun eating our lunch, enjoying each other's company.

The summer sun warming us up like a blanket. The occasional breeze lightly brushing our skin, giving slight goosebumps. Sam and I talk in hushed voices matching the stillness of our surroundings. We clean up as we finish our lunches, packing up the basket once again. Making plenty of room on the blanket.

Stretching my arms as I yawn then lying flat on my back. The backs of my hands resting on top of my eyes blocking the sun.

"swimming really wore me out," I state yawning once more. "What about you?" I ask Sam moving my hands just enough so I can see him.

Sam hummed in response as he shifts from leaning on his arms to his elbows. Working his way down till he's fully on his back. The two of us continuing to just lye there in the sun.


Sitting up I take a look around me, nothing has changed besides Sam having a towel covering him. lastly, I look down. Oh shit. My skin a bright pink color. How long was I out? Reaching for my bag I check the time. It's only been about thirty minutes. It could be a lot worse than it is now.

"Hey Sam," I say as I lightly shake his arm. Continuing till I see movement under the towel. Sam pokes his head out from under the towel. Rubbing his eye in the process. "You ready to head home?" I ask a lazy smile draped on my face.

"Yeah," Sam sits up taking a look around as well.

The two of us begin packing up. Sam taking the blanket and I carry the basket along with the towels. Trudging our way back up the steep slope. Taking our time getting back up to prevent any mishaps. 

Finally reaching the car we both drop down into the front seats. Sam shoves his backpack off his shoulders and onto the floor.

"It's so nice to be out of the sun." I sigh 

"It did get really hot while we were out there," Sam takes a look at me "And I see you didn't wear enough sunscreen." Sam chuckles at me a bit.

"I didn't plan to fall asleep in the sun."

Putting the keys into the ignition I pull out of the parking lot. I can't wait for summer, I hope we spend every day of it together. Just like this.


Thank you for reading. I was listening to jazz while writing this, and it's such a vibe. Also, I just hit a total of 800 reads! Which is insane, I never really expected to get this far. But I'm determined to finish what I started.

Vote and share if you would like. It helps a bunch.

I'll see you in the next chapter.

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