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I'm sitting at my desk waiting for Sam to get here. He's almost never late to class I don't get it. He probably just had to talk to someone or something, he's going to be here. I wait for a moment when I hear the door open. Oh, its only Jackson. I watch as he walks to his seat with Mathew when we make eye contact. What is that smirk for. Ever since the hallway encounter, I haven't been on good terms with him, and he just doesn't get why.

The door opens again and a smile grows on my face as I see who it is. Sam got here right as the bell rand, and he isn't wearing his hoodie for once. The striped dark blue sweater contrasts against his complexion. Making his green eyes and fiery hair stand out. He looks good in stripes. 

Sam pulls his sleeves down as he sits down next to me. The shirt is just ever so slightly too big on him making the freckles on his neck uncovered compared to his hoodie.

"Is that a new shirt?" 

"No, I just haven't worn it in a while." he turns to look at me but his eyes focus on something behind me. Just as I'm about to turn and look Mrs. Hall starts talking. 

"Now today is the last day you have to work on your project before everyone performs on Monday." She looks around the class "Now use this time wisely. And you will need to have your lines memorized or you will get five points off." the class groans in response "If you don't have them memorized I suggest working on that during the weekend." 

"You ready to go to our spot?" I turn to Sam

"yeah let's go." We grab our stuff and move into the hallway heading to the couches again. neither of us grabs our scripts, and we wait for someone to walk by before we start.

"you ready?" I ask and he gives me a nod.


Were done practicing for the day and I would say we're all set for the performance. We have our lines memorized and even Sam's friend Basil watched and said it was good. She seemed really nice too, definitely the type of person I would want to be around.

"Oh, so tomorrow," I pause for a second my mouth suddenly got very dry. 

"Yeah? What about tomorrow."

Well,  I was wondering if you would be interested in getting together this weekend. Like getting ice cream or watching a movie. Something like that..." My words trail off as I realize he probably won't want to. Oh goodness, he probably thinks I'm dumb.

"Yeah, that sounds fun." 

"Really?" I can't help but let my smile grow. "I'll pick you up around five?"

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