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 The loud hustle and bustle of the food court surrounding the table Andrew, Basil, Theo, and I were sitting at. The fore of us all eating our lunches from the different restaurants. On occasion, I might feel something or someone moving behind me. Stealing my attention away from the conversation as I check behind me.

Feeling a nudge against my leg, looking over I find Andrew tapping my leg when our eyes met he gave me a soft smile. 

"So you're officially done with baseball?" Theo asked grabbing both of our attention back to the topic at hand.

"Yeah, my dad is canceling summer training as we speak." Andrew sits up replying excitedly.

"Wow, what are you going to do now?" Basil asks leaning in.

"I'm wanting to get into art. I've been practicing portraits with graphite, but I'm wanting to get into charcoal." Andrew scratches at the back of his neck. "I've even signed up for a few art classes next year, as well as graphic design."  

"That's awesome dude." Theo comments. watching, as he pulls out his phone he turns to basil "We should get back to looking, we're all pretty much done."

"What! No, I still haven't finished eating." Basil grabs her bowl trying to scrape enough rice for a spoonful.

"Come on, you were the one who dragged us to the mall." Theo stands to pick up his trash. "Why are we here again?"

"My brother is having a stupid engagement party, and now I have to find a stupid dress cause I got rid of mine." 

All of us begin to follow Theo's lead and begin to throw our trash away. Staying in a line working our way out of the maze that is the seating area in the food court. Basil complaining the entire way through earning us a few weird looks from the people occupying the seats around us.

 Speaking up to catch Basil's attention "Why did you get rid of them?" She turns around walking back to face me.

"I dunno, I haven't worn them in a while."

"So you just threw them away?" I say raising my eyebrows at her.

"I didn't throw 'them away' I donated them," Basil said with a shrug turning back around.

Staring at her for a moment. In astonishment. "In all the years I've known you, You have never done something this stupid."I throw my arms up in defeat, Basil whips her head back around to look at me again.

"Hey, at least we aren't out shopping for a whole new wardrobe. This could be a lot worse, be thankful I didn't stain all my clothes with bleach again." She rolls her eyes at me before turning back around. Andrew Lightly taps the side of my arm, when I look over he's leaning down to my level.

"How did she manage that?" Andrew whispers into my ear. Giving him a sighing chuckle in response I look up at him in the eyes.

"I don't think she even figured out how she did it."


Thank you for reading! 

So sorry about not updating last Friday. School has just started up for me again and it threw me off my schedule for a bit, but I promise I'm getting back into the swing of things.

If you liked what you read please vote and share, stuff like that really helps. 

See you in the next chapter.

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