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"Uh, alright. Just for a moment, I have to get home soon." Andrew says as he opens the door for me.

"You have a curfew?"

"No, I just gotta be home for my sister." 

Stopping for a moment I turn around and give Andrew a look.

"You never told me you had a sister!" Walking through the entryway my hand on the wall to stable my balance. "I bet you are a really really good brother."

Andrew chuckles "You think so?"


We've made our way onto the couch with Andrew telling me all about his little sister, and I was right. He is a really good brother. The way his eyes light up when he tells me stories of pictures they drew together or games they played. It's cute that he loves her so much.

"She somehow always gets me to make pancakes for her. It's those eyes of hers, making it impossible to say no." Andrew smiles to himself "I don't mind though, she doesn't ask for much. So when she does I try my best to make her happy."

"That's very nice of you. From what you tell me, she seems really sweet. Maybe I'll get to meet her someday."

"Oh, I'm sure you will."

Andrew checks the time on his phone, his face drops

"I need to get home." Andrew stands up pulling his keys out f his pocket.

"aw, but you just got here." I wine as I lay back on the couch. pouting at Andrew as my head rests on the armrest. 

"I can come over another time."

"I know, but I never got that second kiss." The moment I say this Andrew's face turns bright red. Andrew meets my eyes sheepishly. 

"If you want, you can still get it."


Thank you so much for reading!

I will most likely be having longer chapters soon because I am now in spring break. I'll be having more time to write. especially since it's going to be two weeks instead of one because of the coronavirus. And Its a little worrying, but as long as everyone stays clean and avoids big crowds everything will be just fine.

Please vote and share.

I'll see you in the next chapter. 

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