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I'm sitting in class waiting for Sam to get here. Today is the day of the presentation and wow, I'm nervous. I keep reading over my lines. Even though I know I have them memorized I have to go over them at least once or twice. Just to make sure. 

"You ready to get this over with?" Sam tosses his bag onto the floor sitting down at his desk next to mine. Leaning over to look at the script in my hands.

"I hope so" I place the script face down on the desk "Let's go over it one last time."


"Alright class, I will be drawing sticks to see who will be going. Because you all should be ready." Mrs. Hall shakes a cup with popsicle sticks in it. She reaches in and pulls out a name. "Jackson. Jackson's group your up first."

Jackson stands up with his partner I don't know their name, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't either. He has never really been a person to make that kind of effort. I don't even remember how long it took for him to learn my name. It was probably a couple of months of me being on the baseball team before he caught on.

I watch as he grabs his script taking it up yo the front of the class with him. The paper wrinkled and torn. His feet dragging against the floor in slight protest. Aware of the fact that he cants skip doing this project or he will fail.

"Before you start, are aware that if you use a script your grade will be reduced?"

"Yes, I'm very aware."

"Will I lose points too even if I don't use my script."

"Your grade will be fine." Mrs. Hall moves some papers around writing names on them. "Alright, Start when you're ready." 

Jackson lifts his paper hiding his face. As his partner says the first line. Miles put the effort in, His lines have emotion. Whereas Jackson has nothing. I don't think he has looked at the paper before today. His words get angrier and angrier as others start to snicker. I feel bad for him. He tried to act "cool" by not caring about his work and this is the result. Making a fool of himself and getting a bad grade for it.

I look at Mrs. Hall writing. Mark after mark on the paper. That is not good at all. Jackson won't let me hear the end of his whining. With the amount of effort he puts into his classes I hope he fails. This happens every six weeks, he doesn't do anything and because he is n the baseball team they let him pass. It's obnoxious that he gets away with it. I want him to face consequences for what he does. 

"Alright, Next we have," Mrs. Hall pulls a stick "Andrew and Sam."


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