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Pushing the door to my bedroom open, I drop my backpack on the floor next to my desk. Then walking across the room and flopping onto my bed. With my face buried into my pillow. Letting time slip away. After what I assume is a couple of minutes there is a soft knocking on my bedroom door that has been covered with posters and pictures throughout the years.

"Come in." with the sound of my voice the door handle turns, and the door is softly pushed open revealing my mother still in her scrubs. Her blonde hair pulled up into a messy bun, she leans into the room and begins to speak. I already have a hunch on what she is going to tell me.

"Sammy I've been called in last minute, so I won't be home for dinner. There's a twenty on the counter so you can order whatever you want for you and Granny. Alright, honey, you know what to do; call me if you need anything."

And with that, she left not closing the door all the way behind her. I turn back to having my face shoved into my pillow as I listen to the sound of my mother's footsteps making there way toward the front door.


I roll over onto my other side. Opening my eyes to see how long of a nap I had taken. A good couple of hours have passed. I should probably have something for dinner. I drag myself out of my bed and hobbled into the kitchen. Walking to the far right drawer. Opening it up and leafing through the numerous takeout menus. I'm feeling Chinese tonight. Let's see what Granny wants.


The delivery guy came and went, I paid him with the money my mom left me. And we enjoy our take-out meal as usual. I get lucky if Mom is even home to have dinner with us really. She is just so busy with her work, and it's not her fault. She is a nurse what can you expect. She has to take all the hours she can, gotta pay the bills somehow. 

"So Sammy. How is that friend of yours doing?"

"Oh, Andrew is doing good. Our project is coming along well too. I've finally memorized my lines."

"That's nice dear. You got home quite late the other night when he as here."

"We just got lost on the trails, sorry about that." Granny turns to me and smiles

"That's something I would say to my mother when I was your age. He seems like a nice boy, I hope to see him again."

We finish our food and I throw away the trash. Then make my way back toward my room. Probably going to do some homework... Who am I kidding when have I ever actually done that.


I'm sorry that this update is much shorter than it usually is, I'm just starting to get back into the routine of updating from the break that I had taken. I hope you did enjoy it and that you will toon for the next update. 

I've been trying to keep a schedule which is Friday every two to three weeks. Sometimes  I might post more... Sometimes less. But I'm really enjoying writing this story so I'm not dropping it any time soon.

Alrighty, I'll end my rambling. But please remember to comment and vote. it really means a lot. I would also love to hear what yall think of my boys. Hope Y'all had a wonderful Christmas.

see you next time 

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