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Walking out of the classroom with Sam next to me, I watch as the end of the hallway where we go out separate ways gets closer and closer.

"I would say the project went well," Sam looks up at me " Hopefully I'll get to see you around still."

Sam and I stop at the end of the hall.

"Don't you worry, just because the project is over doesn't mean we're never going to talk again," Sam says as he gives me a slight smile. The heat on my cheeks grows and I reach back to scratch the back of my neck. 

"Well, I'll see you later then."

"Bye Andrew."

I watch as he walks off, catching up with Basil by there stares. Standing there I hear the crackling of the baseball team behind me down the hall. Taking one last look towards him I turn around putting on a fake smile. 

"Heey Andrew!" Daniel yells running up throwing an arm around my shoulders. "Have you heard about the party yet?"

"I haven't. But I'm assuming that you're hosting one soon."

"Woah, how did you know?!" The rest of the group finally catches up with us. "Well, I'm just saying you should totally come. Maybe you can get some." I look away feeling my face get warm. "There is this one chick, Venessa. I've been hearing people saying she has a thing for you." 

"Yeah dude, you could totally score Friday night." Jackson giving me a smirk. "I mean not only her, but half the girls at this school would drop to their knees the moment you asked them too." the color on my face gets darker from his comment. He always points out things I try so hard to avoid.

"So, what do you say? Are you coming?" 

"I dunno Daniel. I might be busy that night."

"You don't even know when it is!"

"Well, when is it?"

"Friday night. You know where my house is, but its BYOB and you can bring one person with you."  Now he has my attention.

"Does it matter who?"


Who's perspective do you like more Sam, Andrew, or do you like the switching between the two? Let me know in the comments.

Also, do you like the story being cute and wholesome or would you like for me to throw in some spice? Let me know any feedback that you have. 

Thank you so much for reading!

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I'll see you in the next chapter.

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