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Andrew and I sit in my bedroom as his dad waits in the car. His bags all packed for his flight in a few hours. My room might not be a mess anymore, but that doesn't mean that I'm not. His thumb brushes across my knuckles as he looks down in his lap. We tried small talk when he first came over but now the silence is thick weighing us down.

We've been together for almost two years our time if finally up. My clock on the wall mocks us as we listen to the seconds go by. Every moment has been fantastic and I want nothing more to stay together. But being apart for so long. The odds are stacked against us. And sadly we don't have many options.

We've agreed to keep in touch. Making sure to text and call occasionally, but we've decided it would be best if we didn't stay together. Andrew lets go of my hands and pulls me into another hug.

"I'm going to miss you so much," Andrew says choking back tears. His grip on me tightens.

We hear honking from outside, Its time for him to go. The two of us make our way out of my room and out the front door. Stopping for a moment on the front step.

"If we're ever back in town, maybe we could get some coffee together," I say as the lump in my through gets harder to ignore. 

"That would be fantastic," Andrew gives me his signature smile.

"And when that comes maybe we could give us another shot?" 

Andrew's smile grows, and the two of us walk hand and hand towards his car. Pulling in for one last hug.

"Goodbye, Sam." Andrew hugs me tight.

"Goodbye," the two of us full apart and Andrew climbs into the passenger seat. "I love you." 

Watching his car pull out of the driveway a tremor shakes my body as tears flood down my face. Covering my face with my hands muffling my sobs. I stand out there for a minute or two until Andrew's car is long gone. With my eyes puffy and sore I start to head back inside. 

I'm not sure when I will see Andrew again, but it will be sometime after tomorrow.


Thank you so much for reading, this story turned out much longer than I originally intended. So good job for making it to the end!

I would like to thank everyone who has supported me throughout my writing process. When y'all vote and comment I see you, and it means the world to me. 

Now that Overmarrow is finished I have a new book coming out soon. And They Were Roommates. Its about two superheroes fighting for change in their city. So if your interested, follow me and you will get announcements for when it will be posted. 

Once again thank you so much for reading, this was my first book on Wattpad and it was so much fun to write.

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