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What do you wear to a party? I shift through my closet once more. Its been getting warmer so should I wear a t-shirt? I guess I don't have much of a choice, I haven't done laundry yet. So my choices are very limited. Pulling out a black shirt I throw it onto my bed behind me.

 Continuing to thumb through my closet I stumble upon my old jean jacket. I haven't worn this thing in years. Taking it off the hanger and tossing it on the bed. Pulling my sweater over my head letting it drop to the floor. As I reach for my shirt I hear my phone chime. 

A- "I'm here."

Woah that was fast. Grabbing the black shirt I throw it on. shoving my phone into my pocket and grabbing,y jean jacket. Stopping for just a second to double-check my hair. Its a bit messy, but it could be worse.


"Alright, I'm letting you know now, there is alcohol at this party," Andrew takes he keys out of the ignition "And I don't want you to think I'm trying to get you drunk cause I'm not. You don't have to drink anything if you don't want to, and the moment you want to leave let me know."

"Andrew I know. Don't worry so much." We both exit the car and I slide my arms into the sleeves of my jacket.

"I just want to make sure you're safe." He looks down at me with a worried smile. Then back up at the house we are bout to enter. The colored lights can be seen through the curtains, and the vibration from the music shakes my core. This should be interesting.

Right as we enter the house Andrew and I were Imedietly given a solo cup filled with some dark liquid. 

"Andrew you made it!" Shouted Daniel his gaze turning to me. "And you brought Sammy! Alright, little dude!" He smacks my arm cheering at my arrival almost making me spill my mistery drink. "Well, I'll be with the team. If you need a refill, the beer is in the fridge!" And with that, he runs off I immediately lose him in the crowd of people.

"Follow me," Andrew calls out to me as we begin to walk through the crowd. We were in and around people as they dance and talk with each other. Eventually making it to a quieter part of the house. Going down a hallway we make it to the bathroom.

Andrew nocks loudly then press his ear against the door.

"I don't think anyone is in there?" he cracks the door open peaking in before opening it all the way turning the light on. "Do you want your drink?" He looks back at me as he pours half of his down the drain of the sink.

"Yeah why not, whats one drink."

"Alright, just be careful."


Thank you so much for reading!

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I'll see you in the next chapter.

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