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As I'm walking down the isles with Sam trailing behind me with the cart we pull into the baking supplies section.

"So what do we need?" I ask slowing down my pace to look at the list in his hands.

"We need flour and sugar." Sam points me further down the aisle where the ingredients were located. Picking the smallest bags I pass the spices.

"Do you want to make them snickerdoodles?" The smile on my face is bright as I hold the cinnamon towards him.

"Go ahead and add it to the cart. But if we're making snickerdoodles then that means no chocolate chips." Sam gives me a pointed look.

"What? Why not?" I wine as I jog over to the chocolate area, before stopping letting sam catch up to me.

"You realize you are just going to eat them all, right?" Sam says raising an eyebrow at me.

"That's not true, I'll share with you and Lizzy. Besides it's my money so it's fine." I grab a bag of chocolate chips and toss it into the cart as Sam laughs at me. "Is that everything?" I ask Sam.

"Yep, we have everything we need."


I unlock my front door as Sam and I shuffle in carrying bags of groceries. The two of us dropping the bags on various surfaces. As soon as Lizzy heard the door open she came running out of her room.

"Your back! Did you get the stuff?" Lizzy practically screams as she digs through the bags we are emptying onto the table.

"Yes, we did. And once we get this put away we can start making the cookies." I say as I walk past her placing the milk in the fridge. 

"Can I help make them?" Lizzy's eyes sparkle with enthusiasm as she pulses up and down.

"If you want to help you are more than welcome to," Sam tells her as he crouches down to the cupboards pulling out mixing bowls. Lizzie begins to run around the kitchen in her excitement. Moving in front of her I place my hands on her shoulders.

"If you want you can wait in your room or the living room as we set things up. I'll call you when we're ready. How does that sound?

"Okay," Lizzy replies before dashing off into her room, slamming the door behind her. I turned to look at Sam and give him a lopsided grin.

"You excited for cookies?" I ask moving closer to him until my arms are wrapped around his waist. Resting my head in the crook of his shoulder I mumble "Cause I am." He pulls away giving me a light chuckle. Before walking over to the drawers pulling out the measuring cups, as he brings those over to the table I look up the recipe one more time.

"You ready to call for Lizzy?" Sam asks.

"Not just yet," I say as I once again get close to Sam. Leaning down I rest my hand on the table, lightly pinching Sam's chin I pull him in for a kiss. Pulling away my lazy smile turns into a pout. "Why did summer have to go by so quickly?"

"Cuz we were having too much fun," Sam answers me softly his voice almost a whisper. Low and gravelly, it's like music to my ears. 

"I think it's time to call out Lizzy" giving Sam one last peck I pull away before turning towards the hallway Lizzie's room is in. "Hey Lizzy, You ready to help make some cookies!"I shout as I cup my hands around my mouth making my voice louder. We hear a muffled "Yes!" and stomping comes from the hallway. In seconds Lizzy is by our side.

"What do we do first?" Lizzie asks. I look down at the recipe.

"it says we need to mix all the dry ingredients."  Sam begins measuring out the ingredients, and handing the measuring cups to Lizzie letting her pour them into the bowl as I mix them. After the cookie dough is done being made. The three of us begin grabbing chunks of the dough. Forming them into balls, we wait for the oven to get done preheating.

After putting the cookies in the oven Lizzie turns and points at the table.

"How come we haven't used that yet," Lizzy asks Bringing our attention to the leftover sugar and cinnamon on the table.

"Oh, well that goes on the cookies after they come out of the oven," Sam says looking down at the short girl. She purses her lips before sitting down in front of the oven. Sam's answer satisfying her curiosity she goes back to watching the cookies bake.

As Lizzy sits they're distracted we begin to clean up the mess that was made. Sam brings me the dishes that need to be washed, and he puts the leftover ingredients away. With the two of us working way we don't notice the two figures walking up the driveway and entering through the front door.

"Hey! Oh, Andrew, I didn't know you invited a friend over." my dad announces making an entrance before pausing and addressing me. My mother and father's faces were the same. Surprised but they still had a smile on their faces.

"This is Sam, He's my," I pause for a second looking back at Sam. He's looking at me from the corner of his eye, the stress clear on his face. "He is my boyfriend." I turn and say to my parents.

My parents get stopped in their tracks by my words. The two of them about to introduce themselves before freezing. Their eyes widened in shock. The only word said is from my mom.  "Oh," it's almost as if she meant to say it to herself, but it slipped out for all of us to hear. My mom blinks a few times, regains focus and a smile grows again.

"Well, It's nice to finally meet you, Sam." my mom says reaching out to shake Sam's hand. The tone of her voice is bright and warm. 

"We've heard good things about you." My fathered chimes in as well reaching his hand out too, Sam shakes both of their hands. Giving a polite "hi" with a nod. Before the mood shifts once again into an awkward silence, the timer from the oven saves us.


Thank you for reading. 

This chapter was a lot of fun to write, and I hole y'all enjoyed it as well.

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See you in the next chapter.

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