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I check the time one last time. Andrew is going to be here any minute. I'm pretty sure everything is ready. The house is clean. I have my script, and granny made some snacks. I should be all set, at least I hope so. Looking around the room I feel a buzz in my pocket.

A - "I'm on my way"

Ok, he's on his way. Andrew is going to be at my house. Oh god, why did I suggest to practice here? I walk to the bathroom checking my hair one again. Taking one last attempt to smash my orange curls, but it never works. They sit wild on my head. My attention moves to my eyes. The light bags under my eyes from countless weeks of minimal sleep are made apparent. Granny says it makes my green eyes stand out, but I don't see it. She says a lot of things I don't quite understand. Like how I'm covered in freckles She says they add character but I don't know.

my phone lights up as I hear a knock at the door.

A - "I'm here"

I open the door and there he was smiling down at me.

"Sammy Is your friend here?" granny asks as she walks out of the living room

"Granny this is Andrew. He's a friend from school." Andrew's smile grew as he walked towards her shaking her hand.

"It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too. There are snacks in the fridge if you boys get hungry. Have a good time you two." With a simple point to the fridge, Granny headed back off to the living room.

"Is that your grandma?" Andrew asks. His eyes are bright as he looks around the room.

"Yeah, she lives with us. It's pretty nice." 

"And she calls you Sammy," He looks at me in the eyes the smile on his face grows with amusement Making me look down at the ground. My ears burning with embarrassment. "It's cute." Andrew can't hold it back anymore and he lets his laugh escape.

"It's not cute. It's just a nickname." I shoot back with a slight glare but a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth. 

"At least you have a good nickname! The only one that I can have is Drew, and I don't want to be called drew." Now it's my turn to laugh.

"Does anyone actually call you drew?" 

"Oh god no, I only go by Andrew," Andrew stops for a second thinking to himself "Is your name actually Sam?"

"No its actually Samuel."


 " what do you mean "really?", it's just my name only shortened." He stops and thinks for a second. 

" yeah your right I don't know what I was expecting." he makes eye contact with me " I was kinda hoping I would hear a grand story about how you got your nickname." I chuckle

 "ah yes because the nickname Sam would have such an amazing story." now he's back to laughing once again.

"well, when you say it like that it sounds dumb."

 "cause it is dumb!" our laughing slowly dies out.

 "We should probably get started practicing." 

 " oh... yeah" Turning to the table I grab my script as Andrew unfolds his from his pocket. Standing in the middle of the kitchen I give him a nod and he begins the first line.


"Oh God, I just can't get this one line right!" Andrew snickers at my comment.

 "you just have to keep practicing, Samuel you will get it eventually.

 "Dude that's so weird, you can just call me Sam." 

"no, I like Samuel, it's special since no one else calls you by it." I chuckle.

 " your such a dork."

 "Ha! you're probably right." we continue to get off track talking about everything that comes to mind

 "Hey, are you hungry?" Andrew gets super excited about this. 

"Yeah, I'm hungry! What did your grandma make?"

"She makes chicken salad sandwiches" Walking over to the fridge I pulled out a plate stacked with a mountain of sandwiches neatly covered with plastic wrap. 

"Oh, those look good." Andrew sits down at the table waiting excitedly. I set the plate down and Andrew immediately unwraps it. Grabbing a sandwich he begins to scarf it down.

"Whoah!" he says with a mouth-full "What is this recipe. It's so good."

"I'll make sure to ask Granny for it. I'm sure she would be happy to share it."  Andrew responds with a muffled thanks as he continues to eat his lunch. We continue to sit there in silence eating. Shat should I say the conversation just stopped. What do I do? 

"Do... um." what am I even saying right now. I look toward Andrew and all I can see is an amused smile dancing on his face. "what are you smiling about?" 

" I don't know your just, interesting." I glance over at him. 

"how am I interesting?" I pick up a second sandwich.

"well, I don't know that much about you. You're mysterious to me. I'm still trying to figure you out." I rub the back of my neck feeling his gaze burning into my back.

"I wouldn't say that there is too much to figure out about me."

 " Well, technically this is the first time we've ever really talked. I mean I heard you laugh for the first time just a few hours ago." 

" Yeah, I guess your right." 

"see there are plenty of things we don't know about each other." silence returns as Andrew continues to munch away.


The picture at the top was done by a really good friend of mine! She was the reason I posted this story here in the first place. This was originally a short story for an English assignment, and she really enjoyed it so I continued it for her. And I'm really glad I did, its been fun.

Alright, see you in the next update.

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