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"So you're telling me they the two of you are just hanging out. Come on Sam!" Basil grabs my shoulders shaking me "How do you not see the signs."

"I mean she has a point." I turn to look at Theo "When has ice cream and a movie been just hanging out?" 

"Well, when you say it like that it sounds like a date," I exclaim

"Cause it is one!" Basil jumps around "He finally took his shot, and you said yes without even realizing it!" She laughs as if to mock me. Trying her hardest to get a reaction, and she's good at it.

"Well, what do I do? What if its not a date, but what if it is?" I turn around looking at them for help. We've stopped walking at this point. All our energy is on what on earth I'm going to do Saturday. 

"Treat it as if it was a date."

"But what if it's not?"

"Then make him wish it was. Duh, Dress all cute see how he reacts." Basil gives me a grin like her advice was the most genius thing anyone has ever come up with.

"Yeah, dress like how you did today." My focus switches to Theo "Put effort into how you look. Make it a bit different than how you normally dress see if he says anything." Ok, that shouldn't be too hard to do. Dress nice, and make him wish it was a date. Do I want this to be a date? 

Oh, I'm really hoping this is a date. If Basil and Theo are wrong. Oh, I am going to kill them. 

"Alright, I think I can do that." I give the two of them a half-smile and they bid me good luck as we part ways. Tomorrow is going to be fun. Even if it's not a date I will still get to hang out with him. I have something to look forward too.


Oooo things are slowly picking up with the two boys. Let's see how this "date" turns out. ;) 

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