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I pour the pancake mix into the bowl making sure to add in cinnamon and vanilla. Mixing it all together I scoop some of the batter onto the pan listening to the sizzle. Lizzie finally runs into the kitchen after I've been cooking for a few minutes. 

"Are you done yet?" Lizzie asks me peeking over my arm to watch me cook. 

"Almost, here let me finish these two then you can eat." 

"Okay!" Lizzy bounds over to the cupboard to get herself a plate. Rushing back to my side I give her three pancakes.

"All right here you go. Now eat them quickly your bus gets here soon." I tell her as I put pancakes on my own plate. We both finish our breakfast and I help Lizzie pack up her backpack, and off she goes running out the door to start her walk to the bus stop. Now it's time for me to get going. Just as I start to pack my bag that's when Dad walks in. 

" Hey, Andrew how has your morning been." He says as he walks by patting me on the shoulder. 

"It's been, it's been alright." I start putting my bag together faster, Only wanting to get out of the situation. Standing up I grab my keys and start towards the door.

"Hey, son where ya going in suck a rush." I stop and glance turn toward him.

 "To school. I'm going to be late" my eyes keep glancing around the room refusing to look him the eyes. 

"Without telling your old man goodbye." he gives me a big grin. 

"Goodbye dad, I'll be back after practice." And with that, I walked through the front door. Headed toward my car.


I walk through the green-colored doors and spot my friends all huddled around the side of the stairs. They catch me staring and wave me over. I smile and head over to them.

 "Hey! Andrew what have you been up to. We couldn't get a hold of ya all weekend." Jackson exclaimed wrapping his arm around Sarah's shoulders. 

"It was, it was just some family stuff... yeah," I scratch the back of my neck. 

"Ahhh, you're always doing family stuff." Matthew shakes my shoulder "You almost never get to hang out with us."

"Dude I know It's my Dad he wants me to focus on baseball." Mathew hollers at my response.

"I don't know how a man can love a sport so much. I'm on the team with you, but I don't even bother with extra practices."

 "yeah dude" I turn to look at Daniel 

"It isn't even that serious of a team. It's practically one of those bullshit afterschool programs. Nothing to take so seriously."

"guys I know. You've all met my Dad he doesn't like to let things go." I shrug as I look around at my group of friends. There's Jackson the black-haired Athlete. He was one of those kids who took P.E way too seriously in elementary. Always running around doing something. Then you have Sarah the skinny brunette who only hangs out with us because she's dating Jackson. She has her own group with the volleyball team. 

Then there's Matthew a short curly-haired blond who definitely needs to start taking things more seriously. He has had senioritis since freshman year, and it is definitely a problem. Last but not least you have Daniel. Always there to make you laugh and have a good time. Constantly trying to get me to show up at one of his amazing parties. And insists on being my wingman trying to hook me up with every chick he sees. Definitely only at school for the social aspect.

And here I am just sitting back as they continue there conversation as I if wasn't even there, why am I even friends with them. Because they're on my team? Because they're popular? I really have no clue. All I know is that I want new friends. Because once I drop baseball they will drop me. It's time to get to class anyway. Hopefully, I'll run into Sam.

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