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"You made it on time!" Sam Theo and I cheer as Basil walks up to us.

"I've been on time before!" Basil yells.

"Yeah right," Theo says teasing her a bit.

The fore of us walk into the big building. The lights are low letting the neon decorations eliminate the room. Everyone takes their turn to pay the entry fee and get the right skate size.

All of us meeting up on a bench switching our shoes then hiding them underneath where were sitting. Basil was the first to finish lacing her shoes, and she took no time ditching us. 

The minute her feet were secure she made her way to the roller rink. Unbalanced at first but slowly getting the hang of it. Basil begins making laps around everyone. In between dodging the little kids she attempts to do a trick. Taking steps as she skates, skating backward, Crouching down and standing back up again.

"Now I see why she suggested rollerskating." Theo lets out a sigh before standing up "Wish me luck," Theo starts walking towards the roller rink. His steps awkward and slow, as he holds onto the railing.

"Do you think he needs any help?" I ask Sam,

"Nah, I'm sure he will figure it out eventually," Sam says with a smile.

The two of us stand and roll over to the entrance to the rink. I let Sam go in first soon catching up with him. For the first few laps were slow. Getting passed by Basil time after time, but we do lap Theo a bit.

The poor guy's eyes are glued to the floor in front of him. His roller skates clacking when they hit the ground. His left-hand hovers the half wall in the middle of the room, as hir right arm stretched out to keep his balance.

"Basil!" I call out as she passes us making her turn around, 

"Yeah?" basil shouts over the music

"Give him some tips, He doesn't really know what he's doing." I gesture towards Theo.

Basil and I take a look in his direction, and as if to prove my point Theo's feet fly out from underneath him. Sending him crashing to the floor as small children skate around him. Without missing a beat Basil skates over to him. 

Helping him on his feet, she then pulls him to a corner of a rink away from the rest of the skaters. Giving them room for Basil to teach Theo how to skate.

"That's much better, we don't need him breaking anything," I say earning a laugh from Sam.

"He's lucky too. Basil is a good teacher so he should catch on soon." Sam takes my hand.

"What's going on between them. Are they a thing?" I ask making Sam chuckle.

"Surprisingly no. They've known each other for years, so I think something between them might have happened in middle school. But as far as I know, they are just friends."

"That. That makes a lot of sense."


Thank you for reading.

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I'll see you in the next update.

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