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"Hey, Lizzie it's time to eat!" Its past 7:30 and dad still isn't home; so I had to figure out something to eat for dinner. There wasn't much, but I've made some mac & cheese to go with some sandwiches. Not the best, but its something. Lizzie runs into the kitchen, and her face immediately drops.

"where's the pizza?" she walks over to the table where her plate is set. "I thought dad was bringing pizza." Lizzie plops down in her chair, and barely touches her food. I move to the table with my plate. 

"I'm thinking dad got called into work again." 

"But today he works at home!" Lizzie wines. 

"I know, I was also excited about pizza, but this happens sometimes. Mom and dad are both very important at work, so sometimes other people need them there a little bit longer."I try to explain this the best I can to her without making her too disappointed. I don't think its working though. This doesn't happen that often, but when it does it really affects her. I give Lizzy a half-smile "How do you like the idea of pancakes for breakfast?" Lizzy perks up. 

"Can you? Please!" I laugh at how excited she is. 

"I may be able to pull a few strings." We both finish the makeshift dinner, and I pick up the plates and place them in the sink. "Okay, Lizzie off to bed you go. We've got school in the morning.

"Fine." she slowly walks down the hall towards her room. 

"Good night!" I call out to her as I wash the dishes. 

"Night!" Lizzy yells back. I turn back to the task a hand and start drying off the plates. I hear Lizzy's bedroom door close. I really do hope she goes to bed soon, yeah she isn't a baby anymore, but she still needs sleep. I sigh as I put the plates away. Oh, I need to remember to set an alarm, so I can make pancakes. Hopefully, I won't see dad in the morning. That would be too awkward. He always talks about how excited he is to see my next game, or when my next practice will be.

But what he is very unaware of is the fact that I haven't been interested in baseball for three years. But I just don't have the heart to tell him. I just need to go to bed. I walk back down the hall into my room. Turning on the light I close my door behind me. Walking past my desk, and head towards my closet. Pulling open the wooden doors I look for my pajama pants and begin to change. After replacing my jeans with warm fuzzy Christmas pants I tugged my shirt off and climbed into bed. My soft comforter slowly warms me up from the cold air as I slowly drift off to sleep.

--- that morning ---

I sit up in my bed the alarm on my phone waking me. I reach over to my nightstand where I plugged it in last night. Turning off the alarm I glance at the clock. 6:30 great I woke up earlier than usual I'll be able to keep my promise to Lizzie. Dragging myself out of bed I drag my feet as I walk into the bathroom. I strip down and step into the shower. The steam consuming me as I step onto the tile floor. The lukewarm water splashing my shoulders continuing to run down my back all the way to the floor. Taking a moment to wake up I continue with my routine. 

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