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Taking another look at the hall pass I walk down the deserted hallway. With thirty minutes left before class ends and everyone rushes to get lunch, I need to talk to Mrs, Greene fairly quickly.

Making my way to her office I pass the full-length windows looking out onto the balcony. Its a shame they don't let people eat lunch out there anymore. The tables still set in place. There just isn't enough teachers to keep watch.

I push open the poorly painted metal door I make my way into the College and Career Center. 

"Mrs. Greene?" I ask looking into her office. She waves me in with a smile on her face.

"Andrew, what can I do for you? Did you look for colleges?"

"I did, I'm thinking my number one pick would be the University of Michigan. From what I looked into It has a good art program."

"Now all you need to do is work on applying." Mrs. Greene opens a drawer in her desk pulling out a sheet of paper. "You will want to apply to more than one because you never know. Here are some basic instructions on going about the application process." She hands the paper over to me. "If you have any more questions be sure to stop by and ask."

"I will. Thank you Mrs. Greene." I give her one last smile before leaving her office and heading back to class. There Isn't a bunch time until the bell rings, but I still have to go back. Because the teacher made me leave my backpack in the classroom, "to prevent me from skipping". 

Its the last couple of weeks of school. What's the point if we aren't even doing anything in class. Still I make my way back. Spending the rest of the class on my phone until the bell rang. Finally being able to get some lunch.

Making my way over to the table Sam has already arrived. Sitting at an empty table picking at his school lunch. Plopping down next to him I pull my lunch box out of my backpack.

"Did you do anything in class?" Sam asks me. 

"Nope, It was just a free period," I answer, before pulling Sam in for a quick kiss.

"Look at you two dorks being cute!" Basil exclaims slamming her backpack on the floor next to her seat. Theo walking up behind her.

Sam lyes his head on the table covering his face. The redness from his ears matches his hair nicely.

"Oh come on!" I wine giving Sam a big hug. "We've been together for a year, at some point you're going to have to accept the fact that were cute together." I tease. 


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