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I'm ripping through my coset. Nothing looks good. There's no way I'm wearing my hoodie its too casual, but what else is there to wear. Sorting through my shirts I pull out a long sleeve sweater. It's similar to the one I wore yesterday but it's maroon. I think that's different enough for it to not be too obvious.

Pulling the shirt over my head it hangs loose on my body. It's all just so long. Does that look good? Why did I think buying oversized clothes would be a good thing. Messing with the hem of the shirt I end up with the decision to tuck it in. Just a little bit. So I won't be drowning in fabric. 

I look at myself in the mirror. Shifting the placement of the fabric on my shoulders one last time. It looks fine. I can't be thinking about what I'm going to wear any longer or I will go insane. Leaving my room I see granny in the kitchen.

"Oh, what are you getting all dressed up for?"

"Uh, well, I'm going with Andrew to see a movie."

"How fun, What movie."

"It's a murder mystery. I forget what its called, but apparently, it's good." she smiles at me as out small talk continues. 

"Andrew seems like a good kid." She places a hand on my shoulder "I'm happy to see you with him."

"Uh, thanks, Granny."

"I hope you two have a good time." and with that, she walks off. I guess its a good thing she likes him. I don't know what she was going on about, but alright then. Feeling a buzz in my pocket I check to see who it's from.

A - "I'm on my way. :)"


I watch as Andrew pulls up into my driveway. He comes straight for the front door. Looking through the windows I feel a wave of relief. He's wearing a simple long sleeve shirt and his signature brown jacket with the fake fur lining. Nothing out of the ordinary. Spending time with Andrew has always been fun so here's nothing to be nervous about. Taking a deep breath I open the door with a nervous smile.

"All ready to go?" I give Andrew a nod and we head to the car. Looking back at the house one last time I see granny in the window giving me a thumbs up. Oh, I hope Andrew didn't see that. As we get into the car Andrew turns to me.

"I've already bought the tickets, and if we get there early enough we could get some good seats." He says giving me one last smile before we drive off.


Wow, two chapters in a week! I am truly out here typing away. 

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See you in the next chapter!

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