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With Andrew's phone lighting up the dark gravel path, we're walking down. The trees looming above blocking what little moonlight is shining down. The crunch of the loose dusty gravel underneath our shoes sends a chill rolling down my spine. I'm definitely not excited about being out here in the dark. Just the thought about what could be out there hiding in the darkness, just out of sight.

I can't be thinking about that, I've already let my thoughts spiral out of control this evening. I really don't need to go back to that place... Andrew handled it really well though. As we stop at the entrance map Andrew trying to find where we parked the car, as my eyes dash all around us. 

"Andrew... Andrew did you... did you see that?" my voice trembles barely a whisper. There it is again a quick movement off into the darkness. I take a step closer to Andrew never turning my back away from where I last saw the movement far into the dark monstrous trees. when there is a rustling in the bushes. Another step back.

 I shoot a glance at Andrew he's still struggling to read the map sealed in the plastic case the glare from the phone makes it almost impossible to read. Another rustle. This time it sounds closer. I take one more step back and grab onto the sleeve of Andrew's jacket still facing the noise. Now I have his attention.

 "Hey, you ok?" my grip on his jacket tightens as the rustling becomes louder and louder. Andrew looks up at the bushes "Sam it's probably a dear or a rabbit." I rip my eyes off of the bush at the edge of the clearing and meet Andrew's gaze "I'm pretty sure I figured out the way back to where we parked." He tells me reassuringly. Farther down the path we go. My hand still firmly holding Andrew's arm. Not too far down the trail, we start to see street lamps.

A wave of relief washes over me once we make it into the pale yellow light. Moths fly around the lamp as we walk down the deserted isles of the dusty parking lot. When I finally realize I'm still holding onto Andrew were just starting to walk up to the car. Letting go I walk over to the passengers' side shivering as I wait for Andrew to unlock the car.

Climbing into the car a wave of freezing cold just hits me as I sit down. We both just sit there in silence as we wait for the car to heat up. Sitting, waiting, basking in the warmth. Jesus it's cold outside. Why did we decide to go out here; barely anyone else was out... I need to say something it too quiet.

 "Do you think that could have been a coyote?" Andrew smiles at my comment as he warms his hands in front of the air vents.

 "No there aren't any coyotes in this area. It was most likely a dear. Nothing to get to worked up about." Great now I feel like a dumb ass. I cover the tips of my ears to cool them down. They always get really hot when I get flustered. "Hey Sam, sorry for taking you out here, it probably wasn't the best idea" looking back over at Andrew his face is still red from the bitter wind.

 "well, besides me freaking out, it was pretty fun." 

"I'm glad you at least you had a little bit of fun." Andrew starts pulling out of the parking lot. "Would you be interested in hanging out again sometime soon?" Andrew asks nervously.

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