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I can't stop shaking. Jackson is such a piece of shit. This isn't anything new. Jackson didn't do anything crazy. Andrew was able to get him to go away. Without anything really happening. So that's a win in my book.

"I swear to God I'm going to beat his ass!" Andrew stands and begins pacing. His hands clenched, his breathing rapid, looking down as he storms around the coffee table. "He is such an asshole. I can't believe he said that to you!"

"Andrew." he keeps pacing "Andrew." my voice growing less and less shaky." ANDREW" he finally stops pacing, but he still looks angry. Looking down at me.


"Dude you need to calm down. It isn't a big deal. It's not like he did anything." I watch as his face contorts with different emotions. Frustration, confusion. He sighs and drops on the couch next to me.

"what do you mean 'its not a big deal'. He just insulted you. Why should I let him get away with that." he looks almost defeated. " I don't like the way he treats you, and if I can change that I'll at least try." his voice soft as he looks up at me. He's hunched over, elbows on his knees.

"Andrew look. You, You don't, need to. Jackson didn't do anything, it's fine. You can't control what he does, that's his life and his choices. All I'm interested in is steering clear of him." reaching out I rub circles into his back."As long as I steer clear of him I'll be fine. Don't worry about it." He sits there for a moment before he gets up.

"Shall we practice." I give him a slight smile and stand up. Holding my script behind my back I give him the nod to let him start.


"hey, the bell is about to ring so I'm going to start heading out." I put my phone into my pocket and toss my backpack onto my shoulder.

"Oh, ok I'll see you around then." Andrew stays sitting as I stand and start making my way to the stares. There's got to be something that I did to provoke him. Actions are reactions, but I don't know what I did to make him react. It's not like last year where he didn't like the fact that I garden. Cause it's apparently 'fucking gay ', but when I stopped posting pictures, he stopped.

"Hey! Sammy boy, hows life. No one has heard from you all weekend." Basil shakes the handle of my backpack.

"Jesus. You nearly gave me a heart attack." we make it to the bottom of the stares. we walk side by side. For once I'm actually taller than someone.

"that's what you get for making us worry." She looks down the halls we pass making our way closer and closer to the bland metal doors. " You never responded to the group chat. Which is really unlike you."

"Basil, I was working on a project over the weekend."

"Yeah right. I bet you were hanging out with your boyfriend." I hope she didn't see everything that happened. I don't want her to worry again.

"What on earth are you talking about."

"Oh, don't play dumb. You know exactly who I'm talking about." we walk through the metal doors as the bell rings, and the halls begin to flood with students.

"I really don't"

"Ugh, yeah you do. The super hot baseball player. Mhm yeah, I saw you two together. Oh, what's his name? Alex, Arnold?"

"Andrew" a wicked grin grows on her face

"what was that?" my ears begin to heat up

"His name is Andrew."

"Trust me I know. Who could forget the name of someone who looks like that!? Ha!" 

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