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I plop down next to Sam, he already has his script out reading it over for the hundredth time 

 "You are going to get your lines soon. We still have a week to practice, don't worry too much about it." I try and give him a smile but Sam never takes his eyes off the script.

"I'm just trying to catch up. You already know your lines." 

"Sam you were so close yesterday to not needing your script. You are going to get there, and I'm sorry about the park and being out too late." He finally looks at me "I didn't mean for any-"

"Andrew its fine. I've already told you its fine."

"I know but I still really feel bad, If it wasn't for me making all the decisions we wouldn't have been out there after dark." I insisted before I was interrupted by Mrs. Hall

"Alright, Listen up. We're going to continue our project, And it will be due the week. You all know what you need to do so go ahead and get busy."

I take a look around the classroom, and everyone is with there partners. Either working on what they need to or just goofing off. I keep looking around, and I make eye contact with Jackson who is sitting across the room. He gives me a half-smile. When his eyes move over to my left, and his half-assed smile switches to a wicked smirk he then turns to whisper something to Daniel. I drop my smile and focus back on the short redhead next to me. 

"Do you, do you think we should move into the hallway to practice. It's pretty loud in here. " I ask Sam

"Yeah sure." Sam begins to pick up his stuff as I go up to Mrs. Hall.

"Can we work in the hall?" I ask as she and she gives me a quick yes. As I walk back to my bag I hear snickering behind me. I quickly turn to see the culprits, and of course, it's Daniel and Jackson, who else would it be. I'm so tired of them.

We leave the classroom and begin to walk down the hall to the little seating area in the corner. Placing my bad down I start to dig through it to find my script.

"Hey, Andrew, hows your project coming along." Jackson mocked. I turn and see him staring directly as Sam.

"It's going along just fine."

"That's good. What about you Sam? you going to say anything?" he walks closer to where we're sitting. Sam is looking the other way refusing to look up at him.

"Jackson, don't you have other things to do?" I warned. There is no way I'm going to let anything happen. Not while I'm around. I can already feel my breathing quicken and my hands clench. Now that I'm thinking about it I've never really liked Jackson.

"What." his eyes shift to me "Oh, I'm just getting a drink."

"well, you might want to head back. You don't want to get in trouble." my voice threatening as my tone stays low. Jackson still stands there stiff. Not happy with how I'm talking to him.

"You are probably right. Bye Andrew. I'll see you later." he turns and leans into sams ear "Fucking fag." he whispers and walks back to the classroom. And let's just say I was furious.

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