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Sitting at the kitchen table with a note pad and a pencil, Doodles scattered across the page next to my list of things to pack.

Movement from my peripheral view snaps me out of my daze. My father walking up the sidewalk to the house grocery bags in both of his hands. He gives me a wave through the window signaling for me to help.

Getting up from my chair as he enters through the front door, and placing the bags on the table.

"What were you working on?" He asked me, taking a look at my list.

"I'm writing down things I'll need to pack."

"You won't have to pack everything because we can buy things for your dorm when we fly you up there." My dad tells me as we head out the door.

The two of us grab a hand full of bags from the car, taking them back into the house. When we get back in, adding more bags onto the table. My father pauses and looks at me for a second.

"Have you talked about it with Sam?"

"What do you mean?"

"The two of you are both going off to college." He takes a seat at the table. "Are you two going to be long-distance?"

"Oh," I take a seat next to him. " I think so." My voice is solemn as my mind races. He does bring up a good point. 

"You are going to be away from each other for a long time." He leans forward resting his elbows on his knees as he keeps eye contact with me. "getting to Michigan from California is about two days of driving."

"I'll think of something to make it work" I run my finger through my hair, "We, We can call. Yeah, we will call and text every day."

"You are going to have to make a very hard decision son, Sam is a good kid. You two work very well together. But, how long do you think you can keep it up?''


Thank you for reading.

Ooooo, what's going to happen next. Has time finally caught up with them?

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I'll see you in the next chapter.

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