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14th March 2018

What's a soulmate? A question that everybody wants an answer to but there are way too many and most of them aren't true...

A soulmate isn't always your lover or life partner like wife or husband. Most importantly it's your best friend. It's the person that understands you and accepts you the way you are and doesn't want to change anything about you. We often think that the first best friend that we made is our soulmate but most of the time it isn't.

It's the person that crossed your path once and had the courage to go up to you and say 'hi' and that's it, however, in the next years or months or even weeks. They reappear again and decide to 'get to know you' and I'm not talking about the creeps that text you on Snapchat or Instagram then stop and then text you again. No.

A soulmate reappears in your life when you least expect it. Faith gave both of you a chance to meet up on a particular day in a particular spot and decided to bring both of you together.

That person is usually the complete opposite of you but somehow both of you get super close no matter the differences between your personality or character.

A soulmate isn't someone who completes you, even though it feels like it most of the time. A soulmate is someone who inspires you to complete yourself. A soulmate is someone who loves you with so much conviction, and so much heart, that it is nearly impossible to doubt just how you're capable of becoming exactly who you always wanted to be.

Two souls met once again... out of pure coincidence...

L- Emily, calm the fuck down it's okay, just try to talk to him about it.

Back at it again I guess? Another guy and more drama. I honestly don't know how this girl functions.

Recently, Emily started to date Andrew and they had their first fight. She immediately began to blow up my phone even though I was in my last class of the day trying to talk to Jane and Isai.
It was a long day and the last thing I needed was to cheer her up once again because of another douchebag. I do love her but it can get annoying.

I thought of texting Bruce and asking him to come over after I'm back since I didn't wanna cheer her up alone and I knew he could help. I told him to get Jay to so it wouldn't be weird...

L- Yo! Can you come over after I'm back home since Emily is having her 'boyfriend' drama. Bring Jay with you since I know that both of you can help...

B- Yeah sure, I will try my best. I don't know about Jay though since he's too lazy...

L- Just fucking come guys...

B- Okay okay 😂

I closed my phone and sprung out of my seat with my two friends and we left the class. The three of us stood in the quad and talked until we walked Jane to her bus and I left to catch a cab home.

I walked inside my house and was immediately greeted by Emily.

"Look man, I'm going to Andrews house to sort it out in person... I won't be gone for long. I will probably be back soon after parents come back from work." She said, I got furious. First of all, I invited Bruce to come over and cheer her up and she decides to leave. What the fuck am I supposed to do with him?! We're not even close!

"DUDE! I invited Bruce and Jay over so we can cheer you up and you're leaving?! Kind of a shitty thing to do if you ask me..." I complained, "I'm sorry Lou... but I need to go fix it. I don't even know why I'M the one that should fix that but I guess he's just stubborn. I'm sorry, you'll figure something out. You're a smart girl." She kissed my forehead and left the house.

Once again, I had no idea what I was doing. I began overthinking like what if they would just get bored with me? What if I'm gonna waste their time? What will I tell them? "Yeah, Emily just decided to leave... sorry to make you walk for NO FUCKING REASON! You can go home now." UGH! Honestly fuck my life.

As I laid down in my bed playing with my beach ball I heard my phone vibrate and I panicked as soon as I saw Bruce's name pop up.

'YUP! It's the end Lou! What the fuck should I do?! Should I just tell them to get lost since Emily isn't home?! No! They walked all the way here... I will just give them tea and tell them to leave. YES! GREAT! DO THAT! LOU YOU FUCKING GENIUS!' I mentally screamed as I answered the phone call.

L- Yes...?

B- I'm outside.

L- Okay.

I rolled down from my bed onto the floor and dragged my feet downstairs to the front door. I opened the large door and saw Bruce standing in front of it. Jay wasn't with him. He raised his head and looked at me, the boy pulled out a stethoscope and some chocolates and said, "Where is the patient?! I'm gonna treat her out of her disease!"

I wish this actually happened... that would be so funny.

In reality he just looked up at me and said, "Hey gurl, how are ya?" Bruce bent down to hug me and I returned the hug. My mind was overflowing with the thought of how I'm supposed to tell him that he came for literally no reason, I just had to find a way of telling him that.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Come in." I invited the boy inside and closed the door behind him. "Ok look." I started talking as he was taking off his shoes, he sent me a confused look and straightened his back. "Emily left to Andrews house so they could make up and basically yeah! You came for no reason and it's fine if you wanna leave because I don't want to waste your time..." I finished, the boy tilted his head to the side and rolled his eyes; he then placed his large hand on the top of my head and ruffled my hair with a smile on his face. "It's fine gurl! Don't be dumb, I will chill with you then." The boy responded. I didn't know if I should've been happy or terrified because I had no idea what to do with him but on the other hand I was happy to have company. So I took him upstairs inside my room.

I sat on my chair while he crashed on my bed and pulled out his phone. I opened YouTube and played some chill music in the background- like I usually do to be honest. I'm not a super hyped person when I'm in my house. Unless I'm with someone I'm really close to and Bruce was basically a mutual friend of mine. Yeah okay I liked him a lot but we weren't really THAT close as I was to Isaiah for example.

We sat in silence for a bit until he started a convo. "So! Let's get to know each other, tell me something about yourself..." I looked at him as if he was retarded, nobody ever asked me that question and I hate to talk about myself. Not because my life is SUPER INTERESTING but because it's the complete opposite of that. I don't like telling people about myself because I feel like I would just bore them to death and I have major trust issues.

"Well, my name is Lou. I'm 16 years old and I'm from Poland. I grew up in a city called Opo-" " Did I say give me an entire autobiography about yourself? NO!" He cut me off. We shared a laugh and I continued talking.

" To be completely honest with you, I don't like talking about myself. Like, I feel like I would just make the other person feel bored of me. It's weird but I'm not an interesting person to begin with. All I do is sit at home and regret my life choices." I continued. Bruce looked at me and smiled.

"I never understood why you would feel this way. Someone really had to fuck you over to make you feel that, but look man. I'm not like any other friends that you had; or should I say 'friends' that you had. I don't leave people." He said, I don't know why but I felt happier. I felt comfortable. As if he just lit a match inside of me with a flame that I craved for a really long time. I felt needed.

I've read this quote online once...

" Eventually soulmates meet, for they have the same hiding place."

And that's exactly how I felt. You can't expect something to happen from the beginning but over time it is all going to slowly occur.

Bruce wasn't what I wanted, he was what I needed and I do not mean it in a romantic sort of way. I meant it in the most platonic way there is, because when both of us were together. We felt complete.

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