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29th March 2018

It's been 3 days since Lee moved back to Japan, ever since then the park and BoOzErZ felt empty. It's like someone left a hole in our chests. Even going to the park wasn't as fun anymore. However, we promised him to always stay together and he said he's going to send us snaps from Japan; no matter the distance, he's always going to be with us. It did make us feel better but it didn't deny the fact that he was no longer there...

I couldn't keep my mind occupied with the thought of Lee moving since it was prom today. I did forget to mention that Mike invited me to go with him. Yeah that's a lie, I basically invited myself since he didn't have a date and I wanted to be with Jay and Adam so it was a win-win for the two of us. He had a date and I could see Jay and Adam. The funny part is that not so long ago- like few weeks. I had the courage and the audacity to ask Jay to go to prom with me since I had the ticket for a long time. It took me hours to actually get my shit together and ask him and guess what? He said yes, BUT! He also said this...

"I promised my friend to take his date since he wants to take a girl that he really likes, so if he asks her and she says no then I'll go with you but if she says yes, then I'll have to go with his previous date since I gave him my word."

I felt happy about it but knowing my luck, it would not go the way that I wanted it to go and it didn't... so at the end I went with Mike. Not that I regret that choice because it was so much fun honestly.

First thing in the morning, Nikki came over to do mine, Emily's and Vicky's make up. She literally knows how to do it, Nikki is like a make up God. I was the last one to go since I had other shit to do like shaving my legs, arms and other things that I won't mention.

I remember how nervous I was, I just couldn't wait to enter that ball room and experience something new. I know it would be weird, since everyone there is in year 11 and then the only 9th grader there would be me but on the good note, everyone there is my age or younger so it made me feel better however, I was still a bit anxious since Isaiah told me a night before that I should be really careful since someone there wanted to hurt me- not like hurt emotionally but physically. Of course I had to tell Bruce, Adam and the three girls that were with me. The girls told me not to worry since Emily and Vicky will be with me the whole time. I remember the voice note that Bruce sent me while I was still getting ready.

"Hey, it's a big day today. I know you guys look wonderful, especially you Lou. Remember to keep your head up and that if anything happens, give me a call. We're gonna come to help you out. I'll see you later tonight and have fun. Much love dawg."

I smiled and replied with a quick "thank you." Then I continued getting ready.

Mike came 20 minutes later and I had to jump in my dress. It was a large puffy dress, the fabric was smooth and midnight blue. My dark short hair was nicely curled and pinned up with a tiara.

I walked down the stairs ready to meet my date but then I see the poster that he brought for me as an official promposal, the poster said:

"It'd be #1 victory royale, if you were my date Fort Nite. Make my solo a duo, prom?"

I honestly didn't know if i should've laughed or be disappointed that my prom date was a fort nite maniac. I loved it though, it wasn't cliche and that's what made it amazing.

Andrew came a bit later to join Emily and drop us to prom. Nikki left as soon as Andrew arrived, we thanked her for her help and got in the car.

The ballroom looked fantastic, there was a huge dance floor and tables filled with teenagers. I received a few nasty looks but immediately shook them off since I was there to have fun. We weren't gonna stay there for a long time anyway since Bruce, his girlfriend and the five of us were supposed to go to Andrews place and drink since there was no alcohol at the prom.

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