
190 10 3

13th September, 2017

I know what you're thinking...

" Boo Hoo! Another cliche girl that thinks her life is WAY more interesting than others so she tries to get attention from writing a book and hopelessly waiting for a miracle to happen." You're right about few things. 1) I am waiting for a miracle to happen. 2) My life is a total cliche story from #relatable on tumblr and as much as I hate cliche, I have no other choice but to live this life.

It's only been my second day in this school and I've already been introduced to most of my grade. With full honesty, I think that most of them are retarded. Don't get me wrong! It's not that I don't like them but I just can't understand their logic and what they say kind of gets on my nerve for no particular reason.

" Lou? You good?" Asked Jane, I faced her and nodded my head in response. We were currently stuck in the Library with our Value Education teacher Mr. Kristof. I wasn't even listening to what he was saying, I usually don't but that's not the point. I was just waiting for the bell to ring so I could leave that boring class. I could hear Jane talk about some crap but I was too occupied with my thoughts to pay attention.

I would like to tell you something about myself that I usually keep to myself. I overthink even the littlest things, and that's why I'm always so negative. I spend most of my day just lying in my bed, regretting everything I do and it sucks. It really sucks because no matter how many times you will tell me to cheer up and think positively- I won't. My brain and technically my entire body doesn't let me.

I was relieved once I heard the bell that signalised the end of the lesson. Jane and I sprung out of our seats and left the library. We entered the quad and stopped for few minutes to talk so that we purposely got late to our next class. I've never been the type to bunk classes but ever since I changed schools I have this urge to just try this once but of course we didn't. Both of us just stood there and observed all the students switch buildings and talk in their group of friends.

That was when I saw him. A boy walked down the stairs and entered the quad, he was alone which was kind of surprising to me since I've seen him with a large group of people before and he gave me an impression of quite the popular guy but not now. He was alone, just walking forward not caring about the people around him or in front of him.

If this was a cliche romance story I would pretty much say, "I felt the time stop and go in slow motion. His faded purple hair danced on the gentle breeze and his eyes met mine. They were a beautiful chocolate colour, the type of colour that could calm a storm and cause a tsunami."

But let's be honest here, it's not a typical romance story but more of an internet diary about a girl that has nothing better to do, in real time it only took like a mini second. He quickly looked away and continued walking. A sudden tingle hit my stomach and I felt sick. Jane and I hurried to our next class and I forgot about everything.

However, I knew that this was going to be a rough year...

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