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[Trigger Warning]

Ninja's POV

The Ninja's walk on the side walk in the neighborhood, walking to the house of Cole's cousin. All of them wearing civilian clothes to not attract any attention. Nya didn't tag along so she can fix the Ultra Sonic, and Master Wu tag along with them, to convince Cole's cousin, Y/N to train under his wing if ever she is really the Purple Ninja. Even if she's not the purple Ninja, they will still convince her to stay with them for is her safety from her abusive dad.

They soon reach the house, bushes and plants are dead due to not being planted and the front yard is filled with dead dried leaves. Empty glass bottles are on the floor near the trash and you're able to smell the alcohol from the trash.

They reach the door and Cole bring his hand up, ready to knock. Before he even gets to knock, he hesitated. Wondering what Y/N's reaction gonna be. It has been 4 years since they last seen each other, so right now, Cole is hesitating. It will be weird if his uncle AKA Y/N's father, answered the door.

The others noticed Cole hesitated, Jay placed his hand on his best friend's shoulder and assured, "Is okay, Cole. We're here for you. Just knock"

Cole gave a small smile and knock on the door 3 times. After a few moments, no one answered the door. Cole again knocked on the door but no answer.

"That's weird, no answer" Cole murmured.

"Try using the doorbell" Kai suggested. Cole rang the doorbell but still, no answer.

"Are you sure, Y/N and her father live in this house?" Zane questioned.

"Yes. I'm sure" Cole answered.

As they talk if this is really Y/N's house, Lloyd went to the windows and check if anyone is inside. He only sees a bunch beer bottles around the floor and a gong in the dark living room. He tried to open the window to get inside but is locked. Lloyd joined the others, putting his hands into his hoodie pockets so it won't get cold.

"What did you see?" Master Wu asked his nephew.

"Nothing. Just a bunch of beer bottles and a weird looking glass that has 2 holes" Lloyd responded.

A lady in her early 40s went out of her house to see what's happening next door, she sees the Ninjas gathering infront of the house. Thinking whether to call the cops on them or tell that no one is home.

"Dearies, no one is home" The lady said over the fence.

Master Wu walked to her and asked, "Do you know the whereabouts of the people who lived in the house?"

"Yes, the daughter is at school and as for the father, he might be gambling or at the bar" The lady responded.

Cole walk to the fence and asked, "Do you know when they're gonna be back?"

"Well, I know that the daughter will be back around 4. Since she normally walks back home. But the father, I don't know." She responded and look at Cole. "Oh, you just be Cole, M/N's nephew, right?"

"Yes, I am" Cole responded. Wondering how the mysterious lady know him.

"Oh, M/N said so many great things about you when she was still alive, too bad she died by that horrible car crash" The lady said. "Why don't we continue this inside? Is pretty cold out"

The lady went in the house, Ninja look at each other, thinking whether they follow her or not. Lloyd gave a shrug and they all went in the house of the lady.

The smell of lavender filled the inside of the house, is all yellowish and mostly all the walls has yellow and white striped wallpaper. Pics on the wall, a lot of glass pot and a shelf full of pots and tea cups.

The Purple Ninja (Lloyd x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now