Winds of Change

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Happy All-Souls Day guys!

Lloyd's POV

The sun is beating in the Endless Sea as we flew, looking for the mutant fangfish. I haven't gotten enough sleep since I got back, I think I only got like 3-4 hours of sleep. But that thing, me and Y/N did. Is just... tiring. I don't know what to do on that time, I don't really know what to do. I got back home around 1. I hoped no one is still awake at that time.

Master Wu is a light sleeper. He can hear anything as he sleeps. Everyone is a light sleeper, Zane, Jay, Cole, Kai. Erase that. Cole isn't a light sleeper, neither does Kai and Zane and Jay and— I should shut up. Everyone of us are heavy sleepers, well, except for Y/N. Correction, she is and she isn't.

I heard Kai laugh and went straight ahead, telling me "Hey! I'm getting ahead!" I chuckled on him and said "Getting ahead of yourself, Kai. I'm leading this charge" I flew to Kai, he yelp in surprise and dodge. Both of us roll with each other. I splash water to him with my wing and flew off.

"That's one way to cool off a hothead" Jay teased.

"Hey, no one messes up my hair!" I heard Kai yelled. I look up to see Kai above me, he drive down and went to wet me but missed.

Kai flew next to me and I said "You missed"

"Well. That wasn't actually for you, well, half of it" He reasoned "Anyways, why you came back late last night?"

Fuck. "What do you mean?" I lied.

"Don't lie to me Lloyd, I can tell on your innocent face that you're lying. Now tell me, what you late?"

"I was not" I lie again.

I saw Kai smirking, like a light bulb pop lit above his head "You did it with Y/N don't you?"

"No I'm not" I protested.

Kai laugh at me "Don't lie Lloyd, is all over your face. Now tell me, what she like?"

I glare at him with daggers, telling to shut up. But I can tell my face is red.

"Incoming!" We heard Jay said and both of us look behind, to see a green large catfish-like fish. Nearly eating Zane's dragon.

"P.I.X.A.L says this is the one" Zane notified.

"And now that he's taken the bait, let's reel him in and get him to the aquarium" I said. All of us flew.

"Let me guess, Kai. You caught one that big once?" Jay asked.

"Heck no. He was twice the size. Woah!" I heard Kai yelp.

"He's almost as hungry as you, Cole" Jay teased his best friend.

"And twice as ugly as you, Jay" Cole teased back.

Everyone laugh and I only shook my face with a little smirk. I wonder if they ever quit this teasing each other, Y/N told me that fangirls ship them. What's that ship name again? Bruiseshipping?

"It's time for the catch of the day" I pointed at the large enough fishing boat to fit the fangfish, not far from we are "In line formation!" I instructed and we all form a straight line. Heading to the boat.

"It's right behind us" I heard Cole notify.

I waited for the right moment to separate and I yelled "Now!" All of us parted and the mutant fangfish landed on the fishing boat.

All of us cheered "Now that's what I call, hook, line and stinker"

As we arrived the docks, the fangfish is being lift to the aquarium. I smiled for a bit that we done another mission, but my smile fade as soon I thought about my dad.

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