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The peaceful Endless Sea stretched below as the Destiny's Bounty soared above it. The Ninja had successfully rescued Dr. Julien and freed the Leviathan that had been guarding him. With Dr. Julien's expertise, they had also repaired the rocket booster of their ship, making it capable of flying once more.

The Destiny's Bounty soared across the night sky, the team's laughter filling the air as they enjoyed a delicious dinner prepared by Zane. All seemed well, but Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of guilt and worry as she knew her untimely demise is near.

Y/N stood by the ship's railings, feeling the cool sea breeze on her face. She looked up at the night sky, with countless stars twinkling above and the moon shining brightly. Despite the dark sea below, the moonlight gave it a magical glow.

Lloyd made his way towards Y/N, his eyes couldn't help but be drawn to her in admiration. The moonlight cast a soft glow upon her, illuminating her H/C hair as it danced in the cool night air. Her E/C eyes seemed to shimmer like stars, reflecting the enchantment of the night sky.

Every detail about her seemed to captivate him, and he knew deep down that he was truly lucky to be his. In that moment, surrounded by the calmness of the night and the beauty of the moon, he felt an overwhelming sense of love and affection for her.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" Lloyd spoke softly as he approached Y/N.

Y/N turned her head towards Lloyd, slightly surprised. "Yeah, it is," she replied with a gentle smile, but her eyes showed a hint of guilt and sadness.

Lloyd noticed her expression and placed a comforting hand on hers. "Is everything okay?" he asked, his voice filled with concern and care.

"Yeah, everything's okay," Y/N reassured with a smile, but Lloyd could sense a hint of uneasiness in her eyes and the wavering tone of her voice, as if she was holding back something she wanted to say.

"Y/N," Lloyd spoke gently, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze, "I'm here for you, okay? You can tell me anything"

Y/N hesitated as she gazed at Lloyd's hand, contemplating if she should tell him about her thoughts. However, she doesn't want to make the team, mostly Lloyd, to worry about her.

With a sigh, she gently withdrew her hand, avoiding eye contact. "It's okay, really," she said softly, trying to reassure him. However, her voice continues to show sadness and guilt.

Lloyd's eyebrows frowned in deep concern as he looked at Y/N. "Y/N, you're pushing me away. You know you can tell me anything," he said gently, trying to reach out to her.

Y/N let out a heavy sigh, avoiding eye contact. "Lloyd, I don't need to tell you everything. There are some things not worth talking about," she replied with a firm tone.

"Well, this is something worth talking about," Lloyd insisted, his worry and frustration evident. "You can't just keep pushing us away like you used to! I know you've been dealing with shit for over four years, but you need to stop shutting us out. Especially me!"

"This has nothing to do with my past, Lloyd," Y/N shot back, glancing at him with a hint of spite.

"It does!" Lloyd retorted, his emotions rising. "You've done this so many times even before we met in real life. I had to push you to share what's going on in your head because I can tell it's eating you inside! Like how you're doing right now!"

"I am not talking about this," Y/N sighed, feeling overwhelmed, and began to walk away.

Lloyd held her wrist firmly, not letting her walk away. "No, we are going to talk about this," he insisted, determined to get through to her.

The Purple Ninja (Lloyd x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now