The Greatest Fear of All

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Before you guys read this, make sure to follow my friend Rai_Chan07Anime Because she is making a BNHA (Boku no Hero Academia) X reader as soon as she reaches 200 followers. But she already made one sooo.... So for those who are fans on BNHA or Boboiboy Galaxy follow her. And for those who use spotify, follow my Mom's account Ken Bet. Half of the playlist there are made by me and for those who play Roblox. Follow me and you can add me there! Nightmare_Overkill. Just message me so I can accept your friend request. OwO.

P.S I have trust issues in Roblox because... I got hacked a few years back. 😭My Robux! My Dear Robux is now gone! *cries in the corner of a room*

After Writing

Finally. I'm done! After 2 full weeks of writing and surviving writer's Block, Finally done!!! If you guys are wondering why I posted this a month later, well... I want to know how long you guys can survive without me updating this. Hehehe😈 I'm so mean.... Anyways Enjoy and don't forget to believe you can fly! Like Jay!!!

 Anyways Enjoy and don't forget to believe you can fly! Like Jay!!!

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We all continue heading back to Ninjago City, after being a day behind Chen. We won't be able to be a day late if Dareth didn't come along with Nya. And I can't blame them, we are so focused on heading back to Ninjago and trying to reach there first before Chen. Making us forgot about him. As we flew, I was deep in thought. Thinking what Chen said to me before he took my elements. I'm half-human. I mean it isn't bad is cool but half-dragon. I can turn to a hybrid human dragon on my will. That explains why I can hear further than a normal human and my strength isn't normal as a human. Even without the element of earth.

"Chen and his Anacondrai army have a day's start on us. Be prepared for anything and everything" Lloyd reminded, breaking my trail of thoughts

"How did we lose so much time?" Kai ask

"You know, you took an oath never to leave a man behind" Dareth added

"And we're not all quick learners. Mastering your fear to create Power Dragons takes time" Jay finished. Well, Jay isn't wrong. It took me at least a whole month to master my fear to create my Power/Energy/Elemental Dragon and it's understandable because the age I summon my own Dragon is around 10

"Well, we're running out of that. There's Ninjago City. Hurry" Nya pointed

"Hurry's my middle name. Hyah!" Turner clucks his reins and goes faster, heading right to Ninjago. I use the element of Air to also go faster, gaining behind him and leaving the others behind. He looks behind to see who is behind him, he looks back "No wonder you're the fastest illegal racer"

We reach Ninjago City, others are behind both of us. Everything still looks the same. Not a single snake is seen and not a single disaster is seen. Is peaceful. Way to peaceful and I don't like it.

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