To Attract and Fight or to Attract and Capture? [Part 1-2]

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"This sucks" I said and sat on the couch. To lazy to go to school and Lloyd will be gone for a few months because he will receive a reward from the president of China/Japan. (A/N: According to the internet,  Ninjago is filled with the myths and legend of China and Japan)

"Don't be stubborn Y/N, you're lucky that you still go to school" Cole said

"But I don't wanna... I should be training than go to school. I had few more elements that I have to unlock and I have to reach my full potential" I said

"Quit whining and get your butt off the couch and go to school" Cole said. Since when did he became so bossy?

"You know Cole, she does have a point" We all turn and Sensei Wu walk in "Y/N have a few more elements to master and need to control, so I suggest she needs training" I lighten up

"That means I don't have to go to school?" I said like a child

"Yes" Sensei Wu said. I fist bumped the air, with a smile on my face

"But Sensei..." Cole protest

"No buts Cole" Senseu Wu said and face me, I stood up "As for you, for exchange of you not going to school, you can't play any video games or play on your laptop"

"Fine by me Sensei" I said proudly "When will I start and who will train me?"

"With my brother" He said. I fist bump again and started to went to the training room

"Hey, you won't eat" Cole said

"Nah, I don't want to eat your gross cooking" I said and went to the training room. Finally, I can start training again. I got to the training room and Sensei Garmadon is inside holding two staff "Morning Sensei. What will I train today? The fighting style of The Great Devourer? Or the fighting style of the ancient purple ninja?" I said excitedly. Sensei Garmadon throw me a staff, I caught it

"For now" He try to strike me in the foot but dodge it with me staff "This"

He strike again but dodge. I attack him but he dodge it, I attack again but he dodge again. I keep attacking until he hit me on the back, I kneel and I groan in pain. He was going to strike again until I block it, it was above my head. I started to stood up. He was going to attack me on my foot but I block it, I spin the staff around me and aim in on his throat. He did a surrender position

"Your Mother thought you well, Y/N" I step back and put down the staff.

"This is warm up, isn't it?" I asked

"Yes, but you did well" He said. Sensei Garmadon sat down, so am I. I look at the door and saw 4 heads peeking, they hid their heads when I saw them. "Remember the time that you are corrupted by dark matter, but you can be able to control it?"

"Yes, twice. I got it from Katsumi"

"You know her?" He asked again

"Yes, well... I met her when I was in a coma and she's inside my head, and she's my grandmother" I said

"Do you know why you can take control of yourself even if you have dark matter?" I shook my head "Is because you had-" He was going to say it until Nya called us

"You guys can train later, for now we got a problem" Nya said and left. We stood and up and went where everyone is. The TV is on and it's on the news, it was showing the Mega Monster Amusement Park

"There has been report of strange lava coming out of of no where, the people are trying to evacuate the park. With more than 200 people are inside the amusement park, there is a slight change of the others to survive" They swap their camera to the drone and showed lava coming out, and I know who it is...

Hey guys! I know I said on the previous chapter that I will finish this book after 2 chapters but I change my mind, I will not end it and I'm going to continue posting here and made this a hundred chapters. But I will not post until next month because I want to take a break from writing this and I'm changing the titles of every part to Chapter # so it is like a normal book not like a boyfriend scenario, and I'm going to edit some chapters with the grammar, spelling and sentence so... yeah.

Oh and if you some of you guys are Creepypasta fans, make sure to check my other Xreader, "Glitchy Secrets (Ben X Reader)" and I'm making an another Xreader which is Kai x Reader but it's still working progress. Anyways, I'm still posting the second part after a few days and after that I'm on break on writing. Bye guys!

 Bye guys!

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