Island of Darkness

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Lloyd's POV

We've reach the dark island around dawn, we gotten some enough sleep but I didn't slept well. I'm having vision of Y/N, chained and screaming in pain. I'm always getting wake up of her scream, I hope she's alright. We are all at the bridge, mom was telling us more about the Temple of Light.

"So you're saying we get to fight? Whoo-hoo! I've got happy feet!" Cole said

"And you, my son, here it is written "For once the Green Ninja finds the instrument of peace, he will strike it and know the power of the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master." Mom said

"Ultimate Spinjitzu Master?" I ask

"It means you will be able to invoke the power of the Golden Dragon, an ancient fighting style only practiced by the First Spinjitzu Master" Mom said and I look down

"I don't think I can do it" I said with guilt in my voice

"Hey, she's going to be alright. You know Y/N will be mad if she see you like this" Jay said

"Is not that...It's hard to explain" I said. Is true is hard to explain, the dream and seeing Y/N struggling and screaming in pain makes me feel...weak

"Hey, she will be back. Maybe she's even in the island with us, trying to find the bounty without being seen" Cole said. He's right

"You have a point Cole" I said and make a teasing smirk "At list I will get the power of the first spinjitzu master and I'm going have a Golden Dragon" I said

"That's the spirit" Cole said

"Uh, wait a minute. This all sounds too good to be true. What's the catch?" Kai said to change the subject

"The catch is, the Temple could be anywhere on the island, and all we have is this" Sensei Wu took out a medallion with three holes in it, he gave the medallion to Dr. Julien

"A medallion. It's like a compass. When the three holes match up, the medallion will reveal where the temple is hidden" Dr. Julien explained

"Uh, how'd you know that?" Jay ask

"Oh, I did a lot of reading in my spare time" He chuckles "Adventure stories were my favorite" Zane took the medallion

"Then what are we waiting for?" Zane said and they stood up, I did too but Sensei stopped me

"Not you, Lloyd" Sensei said

"Ah, seriously? Are we still doing this?" I said with a disappointed voice

"Wu is right. If you were to come across your father, it could prematurely start the Final Battle. We need to be at full strength before we take any risks" Mom said

"Hahaha. Jealous?"Jay said

"Well, I could use some help around the shop. We should get working on vehicles that might help give us a fighting chance" Dr. Julien said

"Remember, Garmadon doesn't know we're on the island. It's imperative that you stay out of sight" Sensei Wu said to the others

"Of course, Sensei. Don't worry. Have you ever known us to veer from a plan, huh?" Jay said. Me, mom and Sensei Wu look at them, not amused

"Ninja—" They said but interrupted by Sensei Wu

"Shh! Not so loud, are you trying to get us caught?" Sensei Wu said

"Go!" They whisper yelled and left to find the Temple of Light. I let out a sigh

"Hey, don't worry. You will see Y/N soon and maybe who knows, if they're back maybe Y/N is with them" Mom said.

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